ho cercavo per la risposta ultimamente, e questo è ciò che io alla fine con, spero che aiuta:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using System.Windows.Media;
namespace Wpf.Controls
// class from: https://github.com/samueldjack/VirtualCollection/blob/master/VirtualCollection/VirtualCollection/VirtualizingWrapPanel.cs
// MakeVisible() method from: http://www.switchonthecode.com/tutorials/wpf-tutorial-implementing-iscrollinfo
public class VirtualizingWrapPanel : VirtualizingPanel, IScrollInfo
private const double ScrollLineAmount = 16.0;
private Size _extentSize;
private Size _viewportSize;
private Point _offset;
private ItemsControl _itemsControl;
private readonly Dictionary<UIElement, Rect> _childLayouts = new Dictionary<UIElement, Rect>();
public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemWidthProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ItemWidth", typeof(double), typeof(VirtualizingWrapPanel), new PropertyMetadata(1.0, HandleItemDimensionChanged));
public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemHeightProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ItemHeight", typeof(double), typeof(VirtualizingWrapPanel), new PropertyMetadata(1.0, HandleItemDimensionChanged));
private static readonly DependencyProperty VirtualItemIndexProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("VirtualItemIndex", typeof(int), typeof(VirtualizingWrapPanel), new PropertyMetadata(-1));
private IRecyclingItemContainerGenerator _itemsGenerator;
private bool _isInMeasure;
private static int GetVirtualItemIndex(DependencyObject obj)
return (int)obj.GetValue(VirtualItemIndexProperty);
private static void SetVirtualItemIndex(DependencyObject obj, int value)
obj.SetValue(VirtualItemIndexProperty, value);
public double ItemHeight
get { return (double)GetValue(ItemHeightProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemHeightProperty, value); }
public double ItemWidth
get { return (double)GetValue(ItemWidthProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemWidthProperty, value); }
public VirtualizingWrapPanel()
if (!DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this))
private void Initialize()
_itemsControl = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this);
_itemsGenerator = (IRecyclingItemContainerGenerator)ItemContainerGenerator;
protected override void OnItemsChanged(object sender, ItemsChangedEventArgs args)
base.OnItemsChanged(sender, args);
protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
if (_itemsControl == null)
return availableSize;
_isInMeasure = true;
var extentInfo = GetExtentInfo(availableSize, ItemHeight);
var layoutInfo = GetLayoutInfo(availableSize, ItemHeight, extentInfo);
// Determine where the first item is in relation to previously realized items
var generatorStartPosition = _itemsGenerator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex(layoutInfo.FirstRealizedItemIndex);
var visualIndex = 0;
var currentX = layoutInfo.FirstRealizedItemLeft;
var currentY = layoutInfo.FirstRealizedLineTop;
using (_itemsGenerator.StartAt(generatorStartPosition, GeneratorDirection.Forward, true))
for (var itemIndex = layoutInfo.FirstRealizedItemIndex; itemIndex <= layoutInfo.LastRealizedItemIndex; itemIndex++, visualIndex++)
bool newlyRealized;
var child = (UIElement)_itemsGenerator.GenerateNext(out newlyRealized);
SetVirtualItemIndex(child, itemIndex);
if (newlyRealized)
InsertInternalChild(visualIndex, child);
// check if item needs to be moved into a new position in the Children collection
if (visualIndex < Children.Count)
if (Children[visualIndex] != child)
var childCurrentIndex = Children.IndexOf(child);
if (childCurrentIndex >= 0)
RemoveInternalChildRange(childCurrentIndex, 1);
InsertInternalChild(visualIndex, child);
// we know that the child can't already be in the children collection
// because we've been inserting children in correct visualIndex order,
// and this child has a visualIndex greater than the Children.Count
// only prepare the item once it has been added to the visual tree
child.Measure(new Size(ItemWidth, ItemHeight));
_childLayouts.Add(child, new Rect(currentX, currentY, ItemWidth, ItemHeight));
if (currentX + ItemWidth * 2 >= availableSize.Width)
// wrap to a new line
currentY += ItemHeight;
currentX = 0;
currentX += ItemWidth;
UpdateScrollInfo(availableSize, extentInfo);
var desiredSize = new Size(double.IsInfinity(availableSize.Width) ? 0 : availableSize.Width,
double.IsInfinity(availableSize.Height) ? 0 : availableSize.Height);
_isInMeasure = false;
return desiredSize;
private void EnsureScrollOffsetIsWithinConstrains(ExtentInfo extentInfo)
_offset.Y = Clamp(_offset.Y, 0, extentInfo.MaxVerticalOffset);
private void RecycleItems(ItemLayoutInfo layoutInfo)
foreach (UIElement child in Children)
var virtualItemIndex = GetVirtualItemIndex(child);
if (virtualItemIndex < layoutInfo.FirstRealizedItemIndex || virtualItemIndex > layoutInfo.LastRealizedItemIndex)
var generatorPosition = _itemsGenerator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex(virtualItemIndex);
if (generatorPosition.Index >= 0)
_itemsGenerator.Recycle(generatorPosition, 1);
SetVirtualItemIndex(child, -1);
protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
foreach (UIElement child in Children)
return finalSize;
private void UpdateScrollInfo(Size availableSize, ExtentInfo extentInfo)
_viewportSize = availableSize;
_extentSize = new Size(availableSize.Width, extentInfo.ExtentHeight);
private void RemoveRedundantChildren()
// iterate backwards through the child collection because we're going to be
// removing items from it
for (var i = Children.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var child = Children[i];
// if the virtual item index is -1, this indicates
// it is a recycled item that hasn't been reused this time round
if (GetVirtualItemIndex(child) == -1)
RemoveInternalChildRange(i, 1);
private ItemLayoutInfo GetLayoutInfo(Size availableSize, double itemHeight, ExtentInfo extentInfo)
if (_itemsControl == null)
return new ItemLayoutInfo();
// we need to ensure that there is one realized item prior to the first visible item, and one after the last visible item,
// so that keyboard navigation works properly. For example, when focus is on the first visible item, and the user
// navigates up, the ListBox selects the previous item, and the scrolls that into view - and this triggers the loading of the rest of the items
// in that row
var firstVisibleLine = (int)Math.Floor(VerticalOffset/itemHeight);
var firstRealizedIndex = Math.Max(extentInfo.ItemsPerLine * firstVisibleLine - 1, 0);
var firstRealizedItemLeft = firstRealizedIndex % extentInfo.ItemsPerLine * ItemWidth - HorizontalOffset;
var firstRealizedItemTop = (firstRealizedIndex/extentInfo.ItemsPerLine) * itemHeight - VerticalOffset;
var firstCompleteLineTop = (firstVisibleLine == 0 ? firstRealizedItemTop : firstRealizedItemTop + ItemHeight);
var completeRealizedLines = (int)Math.Ceiling((availableSize.Height - firstCompleteLineTop)/itemHeight);
var lastRealizedIndex = Math.Min(firstRealizedIndex + completeRealizedLines * extentInfo.ItemsPerLine + 2, _itemsControl.Items.Count - 1);
return new ItemLayoutInfo
FirstRealizedItemIndex = firstRealizedIndex,
FirstRealizedItemLeft = firstRealizedItemLeft,
FirstRealizedLineTop = firstRealizedItemTop,
LastRealizedItemIndex = lastRealizedIndex,
private ExtentInfo GetExtentInfo(Size viewPortSize, double itemHeight)
if (_itemsControl == null)
return new ExtentInfo();
var itemsPerLine = Math.Max((int)Math.Floor(viewPortSize.Width/ItemWidth), 1);
var totalLines = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)_itemsControl.Items.Count/itemsPerLine);
var extentHeight = Math.Max(totalLines * ItemHeight, viewPortSize.Height);
return new ExtentInfo
ItemsPerLine = itemsPerLine,
TotalLines = totalLines,
ExtentHeight = extentHeight,
MaxVerticalOffset = extentHeight - viewPortSize.Height,
public void LineUp()
SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset - ScrollLineAmount);
public void LineDown()
SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset + ScrollLineAmount);
public void LineLeft()
SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset + ScrollLineAmount);
public void LineRight()
SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset - ScrollLineAmount);
public void PageUp()
SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset - ViewportHeight);
public void PageDown()
SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset + ViewportHeight);
public void PageLeft()
SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset + ItemWidth);
public void PageRight()
SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset - ItemWidth);
public void MouseWheelUp()
SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset - ScrollLineAmount * SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines);
public void MouseWheelDown()
SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset + ScrollLineAmount * SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines);
public void MouseWheelLeft()
SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset - ScrollLineAmount * SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines);
public void MouseWheelRight()
SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset + ScrollLineAmount * SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines);
public void SetHorizontalOffset(double offset)
if (_isInMeasure)
offset = Clamp(offset, 0, ExtentWidth - ViewportWidth);
_offset = new Point(offset, _offset.Y);
public void SetVerticalOffset(double offset)
if (_isInMeasure)
offset = Clamp(offset, 0, ExtentHeight - ViewportHeight);
_offset = new Point(_offset.X, offset);
public Rect MakeVisible(Visual visual, Rect rectangle)
if (rectangle.IsEmpty ||
visual == null ||
visual == this ||
return Rect.Empty;
rectangle = visual.TransformToAncestor(this).TransformBounds(rectangle);
var viewRect = new Rect(HorizontalOffset, VerticalOffset, ViewportWidth, ViewportHeight);
rectangle.X += viewRect.X;
rectangle.Y += viewRect.Y;
viewRect.X = CalculateNewScrollOffset(viewRect.Left, viewRect.Right, rectangle.Left, rectangle.Right);
viewRect.Y = CalculateNewScrollOffset(viewRect.Top, viewRect.Bottom, rectangle.Top, rectangle.Bottom);
rectangle.X -= viewRect.X;
rectangle.Y -= viewRect.Y;
return rectangle;
private static double CalculateNewScrollOffset(double topView, double bottomView, double topChild, double bottomChild)
var offBottom = topChild < topView && bottomChild < bottomView;
var offTop = bottomChild > bottomView && topChild > topView;
var tooLarge = (bottomChild - topChild) > (bottomView - topView);
if (!offBottom && !offTop)
return topView;
if ((offBottom && !tooLarge) || (offTop && tooLarge))
return topChild;
return bottomChild - (bottomView - topView);
public ItemLayoutInfo GetVisibleItemsRange()
return GetLayoutInfo(_viewportSize, ItemHeight, GetExtentInfo(_viewportSize, ItemHeight));
public bool CanVerticallyScroll
public bool CanHorizontallyScroll
public double ExtentWidth
get { return _extentSize.Width; }
public double ExtentHeight
get { return _extentSize.Height; }
public double ViewportWidth
get { return _viewportSize.Width; }
public double ViewportHeight
get { return _viewportSize.Height; }
public double HorizontalOffset
get { return _offset.X; }
public double VerticalOffset
get { return _offset.Y; }
public ScrollViewer ScrollOwner
private void InvalidateScrollInfo()
if (ScrollOwner != null)
private static void HandleItemDimensionChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var wrapPanel = (d as VirtualizingWrapPanel);
if (wrapPanel != null)
private double Clamp(double value, double min, double max)
return Math.Min(Math.Max(value, min), max);
internal class ExtentInfo
public int ItemsPerLine;
public int TotalLines;
public double ExtentHeight;
public double MaxVerticalOffset;
public class ItemLayoutInfo
public int FirstRealizedItemIndex;
public double FirstRealizedLineTop;
public double FirstRealizedItemLeft;
public int LastRealizedItemIndex;
"prendere un giorno e scrivere il mio": temo che ci vorrà più di un giorno a venire con un risultato soddisfacente ... A proposito, puoi votare questo suggerimento sull'utente Voce: http://dotnet.uservoice.com/forums/40583-wpf-feature-suggestions/suggestions/499455-create-a-virtualizingwrappanel –
Anche VirtualizingStackPanel è lento? –
@lukas No, trovo VirtualizingStackPanel abbastanza efficiente. – devios1