git svn clone url
Initialized empty Git repository in D:/code/Androi
W: Ignoring error from SVN, path probably does not exist: (160013): Filesystem h
as no item: '/svn/Projects/!svn/rvr/100/Android/ProjName' path not found
W: Do not be alarmed at the above message git-svn is just searching aggressively
for old history.
This may take a while on large repositories
4 [main] perl 8428 child_info_fork::abort: unable to map d:\Program Files\
Git\usr\bin\msys-svn_subr-1-0.dll, Win32 error 1114
open2: fork failed: Resource temporarily unavailable at /mingw64/share/perl5/sit
e_perl/ line 411.
dopo l'esecuzione del comando, nulla è stato ottenuto dal server.git svn clone non riuscito
Se utilizzare i seguenti comandi, ottenere lo stesso risultato dopo il secondo comando "git svn recuperare"
$ git svn init url
Initialized empty Git repository in D:/code/Android/try1/.git/
[email protected] MINGW64 /d/code/Android/try1 (master)
$ git svn fetch
W: Ignoring error from SVN, path probably does not exist: (160013): Filesystem has no item: '/svn/Projects/!svn/rvr/100/Android/ProjName' path not found
W: Do not be alarmed at the above message git-svn is just searching aggressively for old history.
This may take a while on large repositories
4 [main] perl 5472 child_info_fork::abort: unable to map D:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\msys-svn_subr-1-0.dll, Win32 error 1114
open2: fork failed: Resource temporarily unavailable at /mingw64/share/perl5/site_perl/ line 411.
'impossibile mappare d: \ Programmi \ Git \ usr \ bin \ msys-svn_subr-1-0.dll' Questo sembra problematico. Esiste quel file? Esiste in C :? – mkasberg
Non esiste C :, D: \ Programmi \ Git \ usr \ bin \ msys-svn_subr-1-0.dll. –
Hai provato 'git svn init' con il seguente' git svn fetch'? – amaslenn