Ho realizzato una videocamera personalizzata in Andorid utilizzando Javacv code. Non ho incluso tutti i file .so ma solo quelli che sembrano necessari per la mia applicazione. Come nella schermata qui sotto:System.LoadLibrary (libname) in arresto anomalo sul chipset Nvidia Tegra 2 (scheda Samsung Android) in codice Javacv
Funziona bene su Samsumg Galaxy S2, S3 e Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc. Nessun problema. Ma quando ho cercato di eseguire sul Samsung P7500 Galaxy Tab 10.1, si è schiantato sulla prima riga di codice Javacv ho usato che risulta essere:
yuvIplImage = IplImage.create(previewWidth, previewHeight, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 2);
Logcat Ouput per questo tentativo:
07-08 13:30:13.930: I/ActivityManager(192): START {intent.toShortString} from pid 7836
07-08 13:30:14.000: I/ActivityManager(192): Start proc app.processName for activity hostingNameStr: pid=7847 uid=10001 gids={1006, 3003, 1015, 1023}
07-08 13:30:14.190: D/NvOsDebugPrintf(116): GetParameter(): 37 not supported
07-08 13:30:14.190: E/NvOmxCameraSettingsParser(116): Param type 71 not supported
07-08 13:30:14.240: W/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 18783: Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImage;.getSampleModel()Ljava/awt/image/SampleModel;
07-08 13:30:14.250: D/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x0007
07-08 13:30:14.250: W/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 18783: Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImage;.getSampleModel()Ljava/awt/image/SampleModel;
07-08 13:30:14.250: D/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: replacing opcode 0x74 at 0x000f
07-08 13:30:14.250: W/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: unable to resolve instance field 5673
07-08 13:30:14.250: D/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x0007
07-08 13:30:14.250: W/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 18783: Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImage;.getSampleModel()Ljava/awt/image/SampleModel;
07-08 13:30:14.250: D/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: replacing opcode 0x74 at 0x0011
07-08 13:30:14.250: W/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: unable to resolve instance field 5673
07-08 13:30:14.250: D/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: replacing opcode 0x52 at 0x007f
07-08 13:30:14.260: W/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: unable to resolve static method 18764: Ljava/awt/color/ColorSpace;.getInstance (I)Ljava/awt/color/ColorSpace;
07-08 13:30:14.260: D/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at 0x0033
07-08 13:30:14.260: D/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x00b7
07-08 13:30:14.260: W/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: unable to resolve static method 18764: Ljava/awt/color/ColorSpace;.getInstance (I)Ljava/awt/color/ColorSpace;
07-08 13:30:14.260: D/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at 0x00c6
07-08 13:30:14.260: W/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: unable to resolve static method 18764: Ljava/awt/color/ColorSpace;.getInstance (I)Ljava/awt/color/ColorSpace;
07-08 13:30:14.260: D/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at 0x00de
07-08 13:30:14.260: D/dalvikvm(7847): VFY: replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x0077
07-08 13:30:14.260: D/dalvikvm(7847): DexOpt: unable to opt direct call 0x4957 at 0x2d in Lcom/googlecode/javacv/cpp/opencv_core$IplImage;.cloneBufferedImage
07-08 13:30:14.260: D/dalvikvm(7847): DexOpt: unable to opt direct call 0x4957 at 0x18 in Lcom/googlecode/javacv/cpp/opencv_core$IplImage;.getBufferedImage
07-08 13:30:14.260: D/dalvikvm(7847): DexOpt: unable to opt direct call 0x4958 at 0x7d in Lcom/googlecode/javacv/cpp/opencv_core$IplImage;.getBufferedImage
07-08 13:30:14.270: D/dalvikvm(7847): DexOpt: unable to opt direct call 0x4965 at 0x167 in Lcom/googlecode/javacv/cpp/opencv_core$IplImage;.getBufferedImage
07-08 13:30:14.270: D/dalvikvm(7847): DexOpt: unable to opt direct call 0x4966 at 0x17f in Lcom/googlecode/javacv/cpp/opencv_core$IplImage;.getBufferedImage
07-08 13:30:14.820: I/DEBUG(1925): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/GT-P7500/GT-P7500:4.0.4/IMM76D/XWLP5:user/release-keys'
07-08 13:30:14.820: I/DEBUG(1925): pid: 7847, tid: 7847 >>> com.javacv.recorder <<<
07-08 13:30:14.820: I/DEBUG(1925): r0 5be58ce7 r1 00000008 r2 5be58ce8 r3 000270b4
07-08 13:30:14.820: I/DEBUG(1925): r4 5be7fc00 r5 00000008 r6 00000004 r7 000040f1
07-08 13:30:14.820: I/DEBUG(1925): ip 00000000 sp beb570e0 lr b0003a43 pc 5be58cec cpsr 00000010
07-08 13:30:14.820: I/DEBUG(1925): d2 46fffe0000000000 d3 46fffe00c7000000
07-08 13:30:14.820: I/DEBUG(1925): d6 4252000000000000 d7 3eaaaaab3f800000
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): 5be58ccc e1a00006 eb004a45 eb004b9b 0002745c ....EJ...K..\t..
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): 5be58cec f2c00010 e79f3003 f443078f e12fff1e .....0....C.../.
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): 5be58cfc 000270b4 e59f300c e79f3003 e2833008 .p...0...0...0..
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): 5be58d0c e5803000 e12fff1e 000270a4 e12fff1e .0..../..p..../.
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): b0003a40 3d014790 dcf62d00 bf00bd70 4c05b510 .G.=.-..p......L
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): b0003a50 447c2001 f00160e0 2300ffb1 f00160e3 . |D.`.....#.`..
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): 5be46000-5be7d000 /data/data/com.javacv.recorder/lib/libtbb.so
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): 5be7d000-5be7e000
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570a0 b00094f0 /system/bin/linker
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570a4 b0009f60 /system/bin/linker
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570a8 00000413
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570ac 5be52a70 /data/data/com.javacv.recorder/lib/libtbb.so
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570b0 b0009934 /system/bin/linker
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570b4 5be46114 /data/data/com.javacv.recorder/lib/libtbb.so
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570b8 b001c88c
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570bc b00094fc /system/bin/linker
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570c0 b000ebf0
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570c4 00000000
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570c8 b001b868
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570cc 5be81000
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570d0 0003f000
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570d4 b00040d9 /system/bin/linker
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570d8 df0027ad
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570dc 00000000
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): #00 beb570e0 b000ebf0
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570e4 5be7fccc /data/data/com.javacv.recorder/lib/libtbb.so
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570e8 00000031
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570ec b0004627 /system/bin/linker
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570f0 00000000
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570f4 00000000
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570f8 0003f0f1
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570fc b0003be7 /system/bin/linker
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57100 b0006cbc /system/bin/linker
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57104 b0006bcc /system/bin/linker
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57108 00000000
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb5710c b000ebf0
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57110 b001b97c
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57114 00000031
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57118 000040f1
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb5711c b001b868
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57120 5be81000
07-08 13:30:14.930: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57124 0003f000
07-08 13:30:16.230: I/DEBUG(1925): [email protected] -k -t -n -z -d -o /data/log/dumpstate_app_native -m 7847
07-08 13:30:23.850: D/Zygote(114): Process 7847 terminated by signal (4)
07-08 13:30:23.850: I/ActivityManager(192): Process app.processName (pid 7847) (adj 0) has died.
My Super Hero "Mr. PID 7847" è morto :(
da questo registro posso facilmente interpretare applicazione sta cercando di creare un collegamento a libtbb.so Ma nessuna idea di cosa è andato storto.
Ho allegato il codice sorgente a javacv jar ma ancora non ho idea. Poi ho rimosso i vasi e comprendeva codice nel mio progetto con barattoli richiesti, come si può vedere nella schermata qui sotto:
Utilizzando punti di rottura ho scoperto che applicazione si blocca a
com.googlecode.javacpp.Loader.loadLibrary() method's line
E con l'output logcat ho ottenuto un codice quasi simile ma ora so quale parte del codice non funziona.
07-08 15:39:43.920: D/dalvikvm(8900): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.javacv.recorder/lib/libtbb.so 0x41362fd0
07-08 15:39:43.920: A/libc(8900): Fatal signal 4 (SIGILL) at 0x57c48cec (code=1)
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/GT-P7500/GT-P7500:4.0.4/IMM76D/XWLP5:user/release-keys'
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): pid: 8900, tid: 8900 >>> com.javacv.recorder <<<
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): signal 4 (SIGILL), code 1 (ILL_ILLOPC), fault addr 57c48cec
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): r0 57c48ce7 r1 00000008 r2 57c48ce8 r3 000270b4
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): r4 57c6fc00 r5 00000008 r6 00000004 r7 000040f1
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): r8 b001b868 r9 57c71000 10 0003f000 fp 57c36000
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): ip 00000000 sp beb570e0 lr b0003a43 pc 57c48cec cpsr 00000010
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): d0 400000003eaaaaab d1 3ff0000042c80000
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): d2 46fffe0000000000 d3 46fffe00c7000000
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): d4 0000000046fffe00 d5 0000000000000000
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): d6 4252000000000000 d7 3eaaaaab3f800000
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
07-08 15:39:44.420: I/DEBUG(1925): scr 80000010
07-08 15:39:44.460: E/DataRouter(110): usb connection is true
07-08 15:39:44.460: E/DataRouter(110): DSR is ON. Don't send DTR ON.
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): #00 pc 00012cec /data/data/com.javacv.recorder/lib/libtbb.so
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): #01 lr b0003a43 /system/bin/linker
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): code around pc:
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): 57c48ccc e1a00006 eb004a45 eb004b9b 0002745c ....EJ...K..\t..
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): 57c48cdc fffffe00 fffffea8 fffffeb0 e59f300c .............0..
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): 57c48cec f2c00010 e79f3003 f443078f e12fff1e .....0....C.../.
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): 57c48cfc 000270b4 e59f300c e79f3003 e2833008 .p...0...0...0..
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): 57c48d0c e5803000 e12fff1e 000270a4 e12fff1e .0..../..p..../.
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): code around lr:
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): b0003a20 2301b90a 1e4be004 0483eb00 33fff04f ...#..K.....O..3
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): b0003a30 460d009e 6822e006 1e5019a4 d8001cc3 ...F.."h..P.....
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): b0003a40 3d014790 dcf62d00 bf00bd70 4c05b510 .G.=.-..p......L
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): b0003a50 447c2001 f00160e0 2300ffb1 f00160e3 . |D.`.....#.`..
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): b0003a60 bd10ffad 00005aa6 4b1ab51f 22004601 .....Z.....K.F."
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): memory map around addr 57c48cec:
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): 57c23000-57c36000
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): 57c36000-57c6d000 /data/data/com.javacv.recorder/lib/libtbb.so
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): 57c6d000-57c6e000
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): stack:
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570a0 b00094f0 /system/bin/linker
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570a4 b0009f60 /system/bin/linker
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570a8 00000413
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570ac 57c42a70 /data/data/com.javacv.recorder/lib/libtbb.so
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570b0 b0009934 /system/bin/linker
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570b4 57c36114 /data/data/com.javacv.recorder/lib/libtbb.so
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570b8 b001c88c
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570bc b00094fc /system/bin/linker
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570c0 b000ebf0
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570c4 00000000
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570c8 b001b868
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570cc 57c71000
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570d0 0003f000
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570d4 b00040d9 /system/bin/linker
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570d8 df0027ad
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570dc 00000000
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): #00 beb570e0 b000ebf0
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570e4 57c6fccc /data/data/com.javacv.recorder/lib/libtbb.so
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570e8 00000031
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570ec b0004627 /system/bin/linker
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570f0 00000000
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570f4 00000000
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570f8 0003f0f1
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb570fc b0003be7 /system/bin/linker
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57100 b0006cbc /system/bin/linker
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57104 b0006bcc /system/bin/linker
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57108 00000000
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb5710c b000ebf0
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57110 b001b97c
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57114 00000031
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57118 000040f1
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb5711c b001b868
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57120 57c71000
07-08 15:39:44.540: I/DEBUG(1925): beb57124 0003f000
07-08 15:39:45.980: I/DEBUG(1925): [email protected] -k -t -n -z -d -o /data/log/dumpstate_app_native -m 8900
07-08 15:39:45.980: I/BootReceiver(192): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_01 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
07-08 15:39:45.990: I/dumpstate(8938): begin
07-08 15:39:54.060: I/ActivityManager(192): Process app.processName (pid 8900) (adj 0) has died.
07-08 15:39:54.070: D/Zygote(114): Process 8900 terminated by signal (4)
07-08 15:39:54.070: W/ActivityManager(192): Force removing r: app died, no saved state
Ulteriori indagini in "Mr. PID 7847" caso di omicidio mi ha portato a fatti che non è il codice che è la colpa, ma a mio chipset Galaxy Tab è Nvidia Tegra 2 e questo è il motivo per la mia app non funziona.
La linea principale di registro blocchi assomiglia:
signal 4 (SIGILL), code 1 (ILL_ILLOPC), fault addr 57c48cec
Intro SIGILL is here e Related Issue e Related Article.
Finora sembra che si tratti di armeabi-v7a e armeabi. Ora ho un MCQ: Per favore fatemi sapere quale delle seguenti domande è corretta da me e spiegare anche la sua risposta.
1) Se mi è mancato o trascurato qualcosa fino ad ora mentre si utilizza Javacv?
2) O se Javacv non è compatibile con Tegra 2 e non c'è speranza?
3) Oppure i file .SO devono essere compilati con alcune impostazioni aggiuntive (armeabi-v7a e armeabi) che lo rendono compatibile con Tegra 2, in tal caso come posso farlo?
4) Cosa devo fare per eseguirlo su dispositivi con chipset Tegra 2 come Galaxy P7500 10.1 Scheda Android?
il file build.prop di My Device:
# begin build properties
# autogenerated by buildinfo.sh
ro.build.date=Fri Aug 3 20:31:10 KST 2012
# ro.build.product is obsolete; use ro.product.device
# Do not try to parse ro.build.description or .fingerprint
ro.build.description=GT-P7500-user 4.0.4 IMM76D XWLP5 release-keys
# Samsung Specific Properties
# end build properties
ro.opengles.version = 131072
rild.libargs=-d /dev/ttyS0
# Multimedia prop for Smart View
che armeabi utilizzato in quel dispositivo in cui si stanno ottenendo questo errore? – juned
dammi il risultato di questo 'Log.i (" CPU ABI is: ", android.os.Build.CPU_ABI);' – juned
android.os.Build.CPU_ABI = armeabi-v7a –