Come si trova il documento con il campo massimo uid
con riduci mappa in pymongo?Come ottenere il documento con valore massimo per un campo con riduci mappa in pymongo?
ho provato quanto segue ma esso stampa gli spazi:
from pymongo import Connection
from bson.code import Code
db = Connection().map_reduce_example
"_id" : "50f5fe8916174763f6217994",
"deu" : "Wie Sie sicher aus der Presse und dem Fernsehen wissen, gab es in Sri Lanka mehrere Bombenexplosionen mit zahlreichen Toten.\n",
"uid" : 13,
"eng" : "You will be aware from the press and television that there have been a number of bomb explosions and killings in Sri Lanka."
"_id" : "50f5fe8916234y0w3fvhv234",
"deu" : "Ich bin schwanger foo bar.\n",
"uid" : 14,
"eng" : "I am pregnant foobar."
"_id" : "50f5fe8916234y0w3fvhv234",
"deu" : "barbar schwarz sheep, haben sie any foo\n",
"uid" : 14,
"eng" : "barbar black sheep, have you any foo"
m = Code("function() {emit(this.uid,{'uid':this.uid,'eng':this.eng})}")
r = Code("function (key, values) {var total = 0;for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {total += values[i];}return total;}")
result = db.things.inline_map_reduce(m, r)
for r in result:
un documento di esempio che assomigliano a questi:
"_id" : ObjectId("50f5fe8916174763f6217994"),
"deu" : "Wie Sie sicher aus der Presse und dem Fernsehen wissen, gab es mehrere Bombenexplosionen mit zahlreichen Toten.\n",
"uid" : 13,
"eng" : "You will be aware from the press and television that there have been a
number of bomb explosions and killings."
btw, 'Barbar nero pecore, avete qualsiasi foo' sarebbe' schwarzes Barbar Schaf, hast du etwas foo' in tedesco. – luckydonald