Ok, è riuscito a farlo funzionare, ecco come:
1) Nella cartella VMware \ VMware VIX c'è un file vixwrapper-config.txt. Eseguire un backup e sovrascrivere il seguente sul contenuto del file:
# VixAllProducts revision mapping for Workstation/Player
# This file translates product version specifications into the appropriate Vix
# implementations.
# Each @Version-Info line has 5 white-space seperated entries:
# provider-type: ws, esx, viserver, etc
# apiVersion: the apiVersion supported, as passed in from VixHost_Connect()
# ipc-type: none, vmdb, vmodl, cim
# product-version: the product version string
# implementation-directory: the path to the library that implements the
# version described by the first 4 parameters
# The configuration is based on the first 4 fields, which describe
# the product. The 5th field is the location. To force it to try
# multiple location, the same configuration can be repeated. Note that
# list is built in LIFO order, so the latest entry in the configuration
# will be the first used. If for some reason that value fails, it will
# continue through any other matches.
# Workstation 11.1.2 and Player 7.1.2
ws 17 vmdb 11.1.2 Workstation-11.0.0-and-vSphere-6.0.0
player 17 vmdb 7.1.2 Workstation-11.0.0-and-vSphere-6.0.0
ws-shared 17 none 11.1.2 Workstation-11.0.0-and-vSphere-6.0.0
2) Se esiste una cartella denominata "Workstation 11.0.0-e-vSphere-6.0.0" quindi spostare da qualche altra parte come un backup
3) Creare una copia della cartella "Workstation 10.0.0-e-vSphere-5.5.0" e il nome:
4) non dimenticare di aggiungere il vmrun percorso della variabile utente: PATH (il percorso vmrun dovrebbe essere qualcosa del tipo: "C: \ Programmi (x86) \ VMware \ VMware VIX \")
Ora i comandi vmrun dovrebbero funzionare.
Il comando seguente apre la VM:
vmrun -T player start "D:\myUser\VMWare\Windows7\Windows 7.vmx"
2015-08-20 13:59:38