2013-07-21 20 views

Sto provando a scrivere la più semplice implementazione del giroscopio (solo per registrare l'orientamento dello schermo quando è cambiato). Qualcuno potrebbe fornire un semplice esempio di questo?Come implementare il sensore del giroscopio in Android?

Questo è quello che sto cercando in questo momento:

public class LessonFiveGLSurfaceView extends GLSurfaceView implements SensorEventListener 
     private LessonFiveRenderer mRenderer; 

     public LessonFiveGLSurfaceView(Context context) 
     public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) 
      //output the Roll, Pitch and Yawn values 
      System.out.println("Orientation X (Roll) :"+ Float.toString(event.values[2]) +"\n"+ 
         "Orientation Y (Pitch) :"+ Float.toString(event.values[1]) +"\n"+ 
         "Orientation Z (Yaw) :"+ Float.toString(event.values[0])); 

Comunque sto ricevendo l'errore: "Il tipo di LessonFiveGLSurfaceView deve implementare il metodo astratto ereditato SensorEventListener.onAccuracyChanged (Sensor, int)" .



Ecco una lezione che ho inventato per abusare dell'uso di un sensore Giroscopio in Android che attenuerà leggermente i dati di input, oltre a una corretta uscita di orientamento per tablet e telefono che non ha lo stesso orientamento naturale (telefono sono in verticale mentre il tablet è in orizzontale):

* Uses the sensor API to determine the phones orientation. 
* Registering for events from the accelerator and the magnetometer (compass) 
* a rotation matrix is computed. This matrix can be used to rotate an 
* OpenGL scene. 
public class PhoneGyroscope implements SensorEventListener{ 
private static final String TAG = PhoneGyroscope.class.getSimpleName(); 
private SensorManager mSensorManager; 
private WindowManager mWindowManager; 
private float[] mAccelGravityData = new float[3]; 
private float[] mGeomagneticData = new float[3]; 
private float[] mRotationMatrix = new float[16]; 
private float[] bufferedAccelGData = new float[3]; 
private float[] bufferedMagnetData = new float[3]; 

public PhoneGyroscope(Context context) { 
    mSensorManager = (SensorManager) context.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE); 
    mWindowManager = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); 

public void start() { 
    mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER), SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME); 
    mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD), SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME); 

public void stop() { 

private void loadNewSensorData(SensorEvent event) { 
    final int type = event.sensor.getType(); 
    if (type == Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) { 
     //Smoothing the sensor data a bit 
    if (type == Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD) { 
     //Smoothing the sensor data a bit 

     float x = mGeomagneticData[0]; 
     float y = mGeomagneticData[1]; 
     float z = mGeomagneticData[2]; 
     double field = Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z); 
     if (field>25 && field<65){ 
      Log.e(TAG, "loadNewSensorData : wrong magnetic data, need a recalibration field = " + field); 

private void rootMeanSquareBuffer(float[] target, float[] values) { 

    final float amplification = 200.0f; 
    float buffer = 20.0f; 

    target[0] += amplification; 
    target[1] += amplification; 
    target[2] += amplification; 
    values[0] += amplification; 
    values[1] += amplification; 
    values[2] += amplification; 

    target[0] = (float) (Math 
      .sqrt((target[0] * target[0] * buffer + values[0] * values[0]) 
        /(1 + buffer))); 
    target[1] = (float) (Math 
      .sqrt((target[1] * target[1] * buffer + values[1] * values[1]) 
        /(1 + buffer))); 
    target[2] = (float) (Math 
      .sqrt((target[2] * target[2] * buffer + values[2] * values[2]) 
        /(1 + buffer))); 

    target[0] -= amplification; 
    target[1] -= amplification; 
    target[2] -= amplification; 
    values[0] -= amplification; 
    values[1] -= amplification; 
    values[2] -= amplification; 

* Tablets have LANDSCAPE as default orientation, so screen rotation is 0 or 180 when the orientation is LANDSCAPE, and smartphones have PORTRAIT. 
* I use the next code to difference between tablets and smartphones: 
public static int getScreenOrientation(Display display){ 
    int orientation; 

     orientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_SQUARE; 
    }else{ //if width is less than height than it is portrait 
     if(display.getWidth() < display.getHeight()){ 
      orientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; 
     }else{ // if it is not any of the above it will definitly be landscape 
      orientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; 
    return orientation; 

private void debugSensorData(SensorEvent event) { 
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); 
    builder.append("--- SENSOR ---"); 
    builder.append("\nName: "); 
    Sensor sensor = event.sensor; 
    builder.append("\nType: "); 
    builder.append("\nVendor: "); 
    builder.append("\nVersion: "); 
    builder.append("\nMaximum Range: "); 
    builder.append("\nPower: "); 
    builder.append("\nResolution: "); 

    builder.append("\n\n--- EVENT ---"); 
    builder.append("\nAccuracy: "); 
    builder.append("\nTimestamp: "); 
    for (int i = 0; i < event.values.length; i++) { 
     // ... 
     builder.append(" ["); 
     builder.append("] = "); 

    Log.d(TAG, builder.toString()); 

public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) { 
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub 


/* Sensor Processing/Rotation Matrix 
* Each time a sensor update happens the onSensorChanged method is called. 
* This is where we receive the raw sensor data. 
* First of all we want to take the sensor data from the accelerometer and magnetometer and smooth it out to reduce jitters. 
* From there we can call the getRotationMatrix function with our smoothed accelerometer and magnetometer data. 
* The rotation matrix that this outputs is mapped to have the y axis pointing out the top of the phone, so when the phone is flat on a table facing north, it will read {0,0,0}. 
* We need it to read {0,0,0} when pointing north, but sitting vertical. To achieve this we simply remap the co-ordinates system so the X axis is negative. 
* The following code example shows how this is acheived. 
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) { 

    if (event.accuracy == SensorManager.SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE) { 

    int type=event.sensor.getType(); 

    if (mAccelGravityData != null && mGeomagneticData != null) { 

     if ((type==Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD) || (type==Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)) { 
      rootMeanSquareBuffer(bufferedAccelGData, mAccelGravityData); 
      rootMeanSquareBuffer(bufferedMagnetData, mGeomagneticData); 
      if (SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(mRotationMatrix, null, bufferedAccelGData, bufferedMagnetData)){ 

       Display display = mWindowManager.getDefaultDisplay(); 
       int orientation = getScreenOrientation(display); 
       int rotation = display.getRotation(); 

       boolean dontRemapCoordinates = (orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE && rotation == Surface.ROTATION_0) || 
         (orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE && rotation == Surface.ROTATION_180) || 
         (orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT && rotation == Surface.ROTATION_90) || 
         (orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT && rotation == Surface.ROTATION_270); 



Non è un problema, ma perché usi l'accelerometro, ma non un giroscopio? –


Perché i giroscopi non erano uno standard su tutti i dispositivi Android al momento di questa risposta, solo aggiunti dopo Android 4.0.3 – Gomino


e perché accelerometro + campo magnetico, se hai solo bisogno di accelerometro? –


L'interfaccia SensorEventListener ha 2 funzioni. È necessario implementare entrambi. Puoi fare in modo che la funzione non faccia nulla, ma devi ancora implementarla.


controllare la mia modifica, ho implementato entrambe le funzioni ma non ottengo alcun registro quando ruoto il dispositivo. – lisovaccaro


Hai registrato la classe come ascoltatore di sensori con il gestore di sensori? –