2014-12-15 21 views

Sto tentando di installare SQL Server 2014 Enterprise x64 su un computer a 64 bit con Windows 7 SP1. Sto provando ad installare side-by-side con un'installazione di SQL Server 2008 R2.Installazione di SQL Server 2014 non riuscita: si è verificato un errore per una dipendenza della funzionalità che ha causato il fallimento del processo di installazione per la funzionalità

Io lavoro attraverso l'installazione guidata con tutto ciò che sembra buono tranne un avviso sul firewall (che penso che non posso risolvere fino a dopo l'installazione). Al passo appropriato, fornisco alla nuova installazione un nome diverso (MSSQLSERVER2014) rispetto al MSSQLSERVER esistente.

Quando finalmente lo avvio, non riesce. Per essere precisi, tutto fallisce tranne che per il Data Quality Client e la Documentazione.

Ecco il registro che ha creato (con i dettagli personali):

Overall summary: 
    Final result:     Failed: see details below 
    Exit code (Decimal):   -2068643839 
    Start time:     2014-12-15 11:50:31 
    End time:      2014-12-15 11:54:42 
    Requested action:    Install 

Setup completed with required actions for features. 
Troubleshooting information for those features: 
    Next step for Adv_SSMS:  Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 
    Next step for Conn:   Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 
    Next step for BC:    Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 
    Next step for SSMS:   Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 
    Next step for RS:    Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 
    Next step for SQLEngine:  Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 
    Next step for DQ:    Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 
    Next step for FullText:  Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 
    Next step for AS:    Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 
    Next step for SNAC_SDK:  Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 

Machine Properties: 
    Machine name:     XXXXXXXX 
    Machine processor count:  8 
    OS version:     Windows 7 
    OS service pack:    Service Pack 1 
    OS region:      United States 
    OS language:     English (United States) 
    OS architecture:    x64 
    Process architecture:   64 Bit 
    OS clustered:     No 

Product features discovered: 
    Product    Instance    Instance ID     Feature         Language    Edition    Version   Clustered Configured 
    SQL Server 2008 R2 MSSQLSERVER   MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER   Database Engine Services     1033     Enterprise Edition 10.51.2550.0 No   Yes  
    SQL Server 2008 R2 MSSQLSERVER   MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER   SQL Server Replication     1033     Enterprise Edition 10.51.2550.0 No   Yes  
    SQL Server 2008 R2 MSSQLSERVER   MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER   Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search 1033     Enterprise Edition 10.51.2500.0 No   Yes  
    SQL Server 2008 R2 MSSQLSERVER   MSAS10_50.MSSQLSERVER   Analysis Services      1033     Enterprise Edition 10.51.2500.0 No   Yes  
    SQL Server 2008 R2 MSSQLSERVER   MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER   Reporting Services - Native    1033     Enterprise Edition 10.51.2550.0 No   Yes  
    SQL Server 2008 R2              Management Tools - Basic     1033     Enterprise Edition 10.51.2550.0 No   Yes  
    SQL Server 2008 R2              Management Tools - Complete    1033     Enterprise Edition 10.51.2500.0 No   Yes  
    SQL Server 2008 R2              Client Tools Connectivity    1033     Enterprise Edition 10.51.2500.0 No   Yes  
    SQL Server 2008 R2              Client Tools Backwards Compatibility  1033     Enterprise Edition 10.51.2500.0 No   Yes  
    SQL Server 2008 R2              Client Tools SDK       1033     Enterprise Edition 10.51.2500.0 No   Yes  
    SQL Server 2008 R2              Integration Services      1033     Enterprise Edition 10.51.2550.0 No   Yes  
    SQL Server 2014               Data Quality Client      1033     Enterprise Edition 12.0.2000.8  No   Yes  

Package properties: 
    Description:     Microsoft SQL Server 2014 
    ProductName:     SQL Server 2014 
    Type:       RTM 
    Version:      12 
    SPLevel:      0 
    Installation location:   F:\English\SQLServer2014\EnterpriseEdition\x64\setup\ 
    Installation edition:   Enterprise 

Product Update Status: 
    None discovered. 

User Input Settings: 
    ACTION:      Install 
    AGTSVCPASSWORD:    ***** 
    ASBACKUPDIR:     C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS12.MSSQLSERVER2014\OLAP\Backup 
    ASCOLLATION:     Latin1_General_CI_AS 
    ASCONFIGDIR:     C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS12.MSSQLSERVER2014\OLAP\Config 
    ASDATADIR:      C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS12.MSSQLSERVER2014\OLAP\Data 
    ASLOGDIR:      C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS12.MSSQLSERVER2014\OLAP\Log 
    ASSVCPASSWORD:     <empty> 
    ASSVCSTARTUPTYPE:    Automatic 
    ASTEMPDIR:      C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS12.MSSQLSERVER2014\OLAP\Temp 
    CLTCTLRNAME:     <empty> 
    CLTRESULTDIR:     <empty> 
    CLTSVCACCOUNT:     <empty> 
    CLTSVCPASSWORD:    <empty> 
    CLTWORKINGDIR:     <empty> 
    CONFIGURATIONFILE:    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20141215_115030\ConfigurationFile.ini 
    CTLRSVCACCOUNT:    <empty> 
    CTLRSVCPASSWORD:    <empty> 
    CTLRUSERS:      <empty> 
    ENABLERANU:     false 
    ENU:       true 
    ERRORREPORTING:    false 
    FTSVCPASSWORD:     <empty> 
    HELP:       false 
    INSTALLSHAREDDIR:    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\ 
    INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR:   C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\ 
    INSTANCEDIR:     C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\ 
    ISSVCACCOUNT:     NT AUTHORITY\Network Service 
    ISSVCPASSWORD:     <empty> 
    ISSVCSTARTUPTYPE:    Automatic 
    MATRIXNAME:     <empty> 
    NPENABLED:      0 
    PID:       ***** 
    QUIET:       false 
    QUIETSIMPLE:     false 
    ROLE:       <empty> 
    RSINSTALLMODE:     DefaultNativeMode 
    RSSHPINSTALLMODE:    DefaultSharePointMode 
    RSSVCACCOUNT:     NT Service\ReportServer$MSSQLSERVER2014 
    RSSVCPASSWORD:     <empty> 
    RSSVCSTARTUPTYPE:    Automatic 
    SAPWD:       <empty> 
    SECURITYMODE:     <empty> 
    SQLBACKUPDIR:     <empty> 
    SQLCOLLATION:     SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS 
    SQLSVCPASSWORD:    <empty> 
    SQLSVCSTARTUPTYPE:    Automatic 
    SQLTEMPDBDIR:     <empty> 
    SQLTEMPDBLOGDIR:    <empty> 
    SQLUSERDBDIR:     <empty> 
    SQLUSERDBLOGDIR:    <empty> 
    SQMREPORTING:     false 
    TCPENABLED:     1 
    UIMODE:      Normal 
    UpdateEnabled:     true 
    UpdateSource:     MU 
    X86:       false 

    Configuration file:   C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20141215_115030\ConfigurationFile.ini 

Detailed results: 
    Feature:      Management Tools - Complete 
    Status:      Failed: see logs for details 
    Reason for failure:   An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail. 
    Next Step:      Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 

    Feature:      Client Tools Connectivity 
    Status:      Failed: see logs for details 
    Reason for failure:   An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail. 
    Next Step:      Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 

    Feature:      Client Tools Backwards Compatibility 
    Status:      Failed: see logs for details 
    Reason for failure:   An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail. 
    Next Step:      Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 

    Feature:      Management Tools - Basic 
    Status:      Failed: see logs for details 
    Reason for failure:   An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail. 
    Next Step:      Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 

    Feature:      Reporting Services - Native 
    Status:      Failed: see logs for details 
    Reason for failure:   An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail. 
    Next Step:      Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 

    Feature:      Database Engine Services 
    Status:      Failed: see logs for details 
    Reason for failure:   An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail. 
    Next Step:      Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 

    Feature:      Data Quality Services 
    Status:      Failed: see logs for details 
    Reason for failure:   An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail. 
    Next Step:      Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 

    Feature:      Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search 
    Status:      Failed: see logs for details 
    Reason for failure:   An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail. 
    Next Step:      Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 

    Feature:      Analysis Services 
    Status:      Failed: see logs for details 
    Reason for failure:   An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail. 
    Next Step:      Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 

    Feature:      SQL Client Connectivity SDK 
    Status:      Failed: see logs for details 
    Reason for failure:   An error occurred during the setup process of the feature. 
    Next Step:      Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. 

Rules with failures: 

Global rules: 

Scenario specific rules: 

Rules report file:    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20141215_115030\SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm 

Qualcuno altrove ha chiesto se avessi provato a eseguire il programma di installazione come amministratore. Ho ora, e non cambia nulla. –



risolto il proprio problema con un po 'di ricerca. La versione breve della soluzione è che avevo bisogno di disinstallare SQL Server 2012 Native Client prima di fare questa installazione. (Non so come che ha ottenuto installato sulla mia macchina; ipotesi migliore è qualche aggiornamento di Windows.)

Le risorse che mi hanno portato alla soluzione sono stati:

https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/889167a7-1e51-4911-87fd-f1ed183fb839/failed-installation-of-sql-server-2014?forum=sqlsetupandupgrade - che mi ha portato al file details.txt dicendomi esattamente ciò che è fallito.




Questo è ancora rilevante. Il client nativo installato da IIS come parte dell'installazione di WebDeploy impedisce a MS SQL di essere installato sulla stessa macchina. –


@ MaximV.Pavlov Spot On! Questo era il mio problema. WebDeploy installa Native Client 2012. Una volta disinstallato, l'installazione di Tools 2014 è stata completata come un incantesimo. – WiSeeker


Beh, questo sta andando a suonare un po 'folle, ma se si installa da un ISO montati, estrazione del file ISO su disco, come raccomandato in questo Error Installing SQL Server 2012 Management Tools MSDN thread, chiarita l'errore per me. Ho usato 7-Zip per estrarlo (il thread suggerisce che non funzionerà se usi WinZIP per estrarlo).