So che questa discussione è vecchio, ma ho appena trascorso 4 giorni per capire questo fuori e potrebbe essere utile per qualcun altro quindi ecco qui:
La descrizione opzione include_files per in cx_freeze è fuorviante. Se si desidera utilizzare l'opzione include_files per build_exe qui è un esempio di come lo fai
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2ifcoremd.dll", "mk2ifcoremd.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2ifportmd.dll", "mk2ifportmd.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2imalloc.dll", "mk2imalloc.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2iomp5md.dll", "mk2iomp5md.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2mmd.dll", "mk2mmd.dll"),]
è necessario disporre di una lista di tuple, con un percorso assoluto per l'origine e solo il nome file per la destinazione. Ho avuto problemi con cx_freeze perché non ha/non ha copiato tutte le DLL necessarie nella directory dist. Quindi il mio exe è stato testato bene sulla mia macchina, ma non ha funzionato su un'altra macchina che non aveva Python installato. Per eseguire il debug di questo ho dovuto spostare ripetutamente la mia installazione Python (rinominata C: \ Python27 in C: _Python27) e vedere se mancavano le librerie.
Ecco un file esempio che funziona per me:
# invoke using:
# python build
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
import sys
import glob
import os
import zlib
import shutil
# Remove the existing folders folder
shutil.rmtree("build", ignore_errors=True)
shutil.rmtree("dist", ignore_errors=True)
# Here is a list of the Executable options
#"script": #the name of the file containing the script which is to be frozen
#"initScript": #the name of the initialization script that will be executed before the actual script is executed; this script is used to set up the environment for the executable; if a name is given without an absolute path the names of files in the initscripts subdirectory of the cx_Freeze package is searched
#"base": #the name of the base executable; if a name is given without an absolute path the names of files in the bases subdirectory of the cx_Freeze package is searched
#"path": #list of paths to search for modules
#"targetDir": #the directory in which to place the target executable and any dependent files
#"targetName": #the name of the target executable; the default value is the name of the script with the extension exchanged with the extension for the base executable
#"includes": #list of names of modules to include
#"excludes": #list of names of modules to exclude
#"packages": #list of names of packages to include, including all of the package's submodules
#"replacePaths": #Modify filenames attached to code objects, which appear in tracebacks. Pass a list of 2-tuples containing paths to search for and corresponding replacement values. A search for '*' will match the directory containing the entire package, leaving just the relative path to the module.
#"compress": #boolean value indicating if the module bytecode should be compressed or not
#"copyDependentFiles": #boolean value indicating if dependent files should be copied to the target directory or not
#"appendScriptToExe": #boolean value indicating if the script module should be appended to the executable itself
#"appendScriptToLibrary":#boolean value indicating if the script module should be appended to the shared library zipfile
#"icon": #name of icon which should be included in the executable itself on Windows or placed in the target directory for other platforms
#"namespacePackages": #list of packages to be treated as namespace packages (path is extended using pkgutil)
#"shortcutName": #the name to give a shortcut for the executable when included in an MSI package
#"shortcutDir": #the directory in which to place the shortcut when being installed by an MSI package; see the MSI Shortcut table documentation for more information on what values can be placed here.
MY_TARGET_EXE = Executable(
# what to build
script = "",
initScript = None,
base = 'Win32GUI',
targetDir = r"dist",
targetName = "MyProgram.exe",
compress = True,
copyDependentFiles = True,
appendScriptToExe = False,
appendScriptToLibrary = False,
icon = None
#Here is a list of the build_exe options
#1) append the script module to the executable
#2) the name of the base executable to use which, if given as a relative path, will be joined with the bases subdirectory of the cx_Freeze installation; the default value is "Console"
#3) list of names of files to exclude when determining dependencies of binary files that would normally be included; note that version numbers that normally follow the shared object extension are stripped prior to performing the comparison
#4) list of names of files to include when determining dependencies of binary files that would normally be excluded; note that version numbers that normally follow the shared object extension are stripped prior to performing the comparison
#5) list of paths from which to exclude files when determining dependencies of binary files
#6) list of paths from which to include files when determining dependencies of binary files
#7) directory for built executables and dependent files, defaults to build/
#8) create a compressed zip file
#9) comma separated list of constant values to include in the constants module called BUILD_CONSTANTS in form <name>=<value>
#10) copy all dependent files
#11) create a shared zip file called which will contain all modules shared by all executables which are built
#12) comma separated list of names of modules to exclude
excludes = ['_gtkagg', '_tkagg', 'bsddb', 'curses', 'email', 'pywin.debugger',
'pywin.debugger.dbgcon', 'pywin.dialogs', 'tcl',
'Tkconstants', 'Tkinter']
#13) include the icon in the frozen executables on the Windows platform and alongside the frozen executable on other platforms
#13) comma separated list of names of modules to include
includes = ['sip', 'matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg']
#15) list containing files to be copied to the target directory;
# it is expected that this list will contain strings or 2-tuples for the source and destination;
# the source can be a file or a directory (in which case the tree is copied except for .svn and CVS directories);
# the target must not be an absolute path
# Here is a list of ALL the DLLs that are included in Python27\Scripts
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2ifcoremd.dll", "mk2ifcoremd.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2ifportmd.dll", "mk2ifportmd.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2imalloc.dll", "mk2imalloc.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2iomp5md.dll", "mk2iomp5md.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2mmd.dll", "mk2mmd.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_avx.dll", "mk2_avx.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_blacs_ilp64.dll", "mk2_blacs_ilp64.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_blacs_intelmpi_ilp64.dll", "mk2_blacs_intelmpi_ilp64.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.dll", "mk2_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_blacs_lp64.dll", "mk2_blacs_lp64.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_blacs_mpich2_ilp64.dll", "mk2_blacs_mpich2_ilp64.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_blacs_mpich2_lp64.dll", "mk2_blacs_mpich2_lp64.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_blacs_msmpi_ilp64.dll", "mk2_blacs_msmpi_ilp64.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_blacs_msmpi_lp64.dll", "mk2_blacs_msmpi_lp64.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_cdft_core.dll", "mk2_cdft_core.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_core.dll", "mk2_core.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_def.dll", "mk2_def.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_intel_thread.dll", "mk2_intel_thread.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_mc.dll", "mk2_mc.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_mc3.dll", "mk2_mc3.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_p4n.dll", "mk2_p4n.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_pgi_thread.dll", "mk2_pgi_thread.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_rt.dll", "mk2_rt.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_scalapack_ilp64.dll", "mk2_scalapack_ilp64.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_scalapack_lp64.dll", "mk2_scalapack_lp64.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_sequential.dll", "mk2_sequential.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_vml_avx.dll", "mk2_vml_avx.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_vml_def.dll", "mk2_vml_def.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_vml_mc.dll", "mk2_vml_mc.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_vml_mc2.dll", "mk2_vml_mc2.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_vml_mc3.dll", "mk2_vml_mc3.dll"),
(r"C:\Python27\Scripts\mk2_vml_p4n.dll", "mk2_vml_p4n.dll"),
# These next DLLs appear to be copied correctly or as needed by cxfreeze...
# (r"C:\Python27\Scripts\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll", "libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll"),
# (r"C:\Python27\Scripts\libgfortran-3.dll", "libgfortran-3.dll"),
# (r"C:\Python27\Scripts\libssp-0.dll", "libssp-0.dll"),
# (r"C:\Python27\Scripts\libstdc++-6.dll", "libstdc++-6.dll"),
# (r"C:\Python27\Scripts\pythoncom27.dll", "pythoncom27.dll"),
# (r"C:\Python27\Scripts\pywintypes27.dll", "pywintypes27.dll"),
#,("Microsoft.VC90.MFC", mfcfiles), ]
#16) include the script module in the shared zip file
#17) include the Microsoft Visual C runtime DLLs and (if necessary) the manifest file required to run the executable without needing the redistributable package installed
include_msvcr =False
#18) the name of the script to use during initialization which, if given as a relative path, will be joined with the initscripts subdirectory of the cx_Freeze installation; the default value is "Console"
#19) comma separated list of packages to be treated as namespace packages (path is extended using pkgutil)
#20) optimization level, one of 0 (disabled), 1 or 2
#21) comma separated list of packages to include, which includes all submodules in the package
packages = ['numpy.linalg']
#22) comma separated list of paths to search; the default value is sys.path
path = []
#23) Modify filenames attached to code objects, which appear in tracebacks. Pass a comma separated list of paths in the form <search>=<replace>. The value * in the search portion will match the directory containing the entire package, leaving just the relative path to the module.
#24) suppress all output except warnings
#25) list containing files to be included in the zip file directory; it is expected that this list will contain strings or 2-tuples for the source and destination
version = "0.0",
description = "This is a program that works",
author = "Your Name Here",
name = "A text description",
options = {"build_exe": {
# "append_script_to_exe": append_script_to_exe,
# "base": base,
# "bin_excludes": bin_excludes,
# "bin_includes": bin_includes,
# "bin_path_excludes": bin_path_excludes,
# "bin_path_includes": bin_path_includes,
"build_exe": build_exe,
"compressed": compressed,
# "constants": constants,
"copy_dependent_files": copy_dependent_files,
# "create_shared_zip": create_shared_zip,
"excludes": excludes,
# "icon": icon,
"includes": includes,
"include_files": include_files,
# "include_in_shared_zip":include_in_shared_zip,
# "include_msvcr": include_msvcr,
# "init_script": init_script,
# "namespace_packages": namespace_packages,
# "optimize": optimize,
"packages": packages,
"path": path,
# "replace_paths": replace_paths,
# "silent": silent,
# "zip_includes": zip_includes,
executables = [MY_TARGET_EXE]
Restkit ha la dipendenza [socketpool] (, così si dovrebbe inserisci anche questo modulo nel tuo 'pacchetto' nel tuo file di configurazione cx_. –
Ora ho questo: packages = ["restkit", "jinja2", "restkit.client", "socketpool"]. Ma, nessun aiuto lì. –
Il comando 'cxfreeze' non usa il file Prova a bloccarlo usando 'python build'. –