questo momento il mio disconnessione da un server WebLogic JMS assomiglia a questoDisconnessione dal weblogic JMS
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.jms.*;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.transaction.*;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
import clojure.lang.IFn;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import weblogic.jndi.*;
public class WebLogicListener implements MessageListener, ExceptionListener{
public InitialContext ctx;
public TopicConnectionFactory conFactory;
public TopicConnection tCon;
public TopicSession tSession;
public TopicSubscriber tSub;
public Boolean development;
public Topic topic;
/*clojure function objects*/
public IFn publish;
public IFn close;
public IFn incrementMetric;
public IFn logMessage;
public IFn resync;
public Object channel;
public ExceptionListener exception;
public String topicName;
public String subName;
public String username;
public String password;
public String clientId;
public String factoryJNDI;
public String topicJNDI;
public Vector nms;
public Hashtable<Object,Object> env;
public boolean running = false;
public WebLogicListener (String topicName, String host, String username, String password, String factoryJNDI,
String topicJNDI, String clientId, String subName, String ns, String fnName,
boolean development, Vector nms){
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.clientId = clientId;
this.topicName = topicName;
this.subName = subName;
this.development = development;
this.topicJNDI = topicJNDI;
this.factoryJNDI = factoryJNDI;
this.nms = nms;
/*Clojure interop handlers*/
IFn chan = Clojure.var("clojure.core.async", "chan");
resync = Clojure.var("cenx.baldr.api", "resync!");
publish = Clojure.var(ns, fnName);
incrementMetric = Clojure.var(ns, "log-metric");
logMessage = Clojure.var (ns, "log-message");
close = Clojure.var("clojure.core.async","close!");
/*populate envrionment*/
env = new Hashtable<Object,Object>();
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, host);
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, username);
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
env.put("weblogic.jndi.createIntermediateContexts", "true");
/*open communication channel for clojure daemon*/
channel = chan.invoke();
private void initListener() throws JMSException, NamingException{
if (!running && !development){
ctx = new InitialContext(env);
topic = (Topic) ctx.lookup(topicJNDI);
conFactory = (TopicConnectionFactory)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ctx.lookup(factoryJNDI), TopicConnectionFactory.class);
tCon = (TopicConnection) conFactory.createTopicConnection();
tSession = (TopicSession) tCon.createTopicSession(false, 1);
tSub = tSession.createDurableSubscriber(topic, subName);
running = true;
if (running){
logMessage.invoke("error", String.format("Listener is already running"));
if (development){
logMessage.invoke("info", "Running in development mode, no connection established");
} catch(Exception e){
logMessage.invoke("error", String.format("Unable to start listener \n %s", e.toString()));
public void startListener(){
if (!development && env != null){
try {
}catch(Exception e){
logMessage.invoke("error", String.format("Unable to start Listener \n %s", e.toString()));
} else {
if (development){
logMessage.invoke("info", "Running in development mode, no connection established");
if (env == null){
logMessage.invoke("error", "Environment variable is null");
///Closes the JMS connection and the channel
public void stopListener(){
if (!development){
}catch(Exception e){
logMessage.invoke("error", String.format("Error while stopping the listener \n %s", e.toString()));
running = false;
} else {
logMessage.invoke("info", "Listener not started, running in development mode");
public Object getChannel(){
return channel;
//re-initializes the channel in case of error
public void initializeChannel(){
if (channel == null){
IFn chan = Clojure.var("clojure.core.async", "chan");
channel = chan.invoke();
} else {
logMessage.invoke("info", "Channel is already initialized");
//accessors for debugging
public void closeSubscription(){
}catch (Exception e){
logMessage.invoke("error", "unable to close topic subscription");
logMessage.invoke("error", e.toString());
public void closeSession(){
}catch (Exception e){
logMessage.invoke("error", "unable to close topic session");
logMessage.invoke("error", e.toString());
public void closeConnection(){
}catch (Exception e){
logMessage.invoke("error", "unable to close topic connection");
logMessage.invoke("error", e.toString());
public void closeContext(){
try {
}catch (Exception e){
logMessage.invoke("error", "unable to close context");
logMessage.invoke("error", e.toString());
public Boolean isRunning(){
return running;
public Context getContext(){
return ctx;
public TopicConnectionFactory getFactory(){
return conFactory;
public TopicConnection getTopicConnection(){
return tCon;
public TopicSession getTopicSession(){
return tSession;
public Boolean getDevelopmentMode(){
return development;
public TopicSubscriber getTopicSubscriber(){
return tSub;
public Topic getTopic(){
return topic;
/*Interface methods*/
public void onMessage(Message message){
publish.invoke(channel, message);
/*attempt a resync after an exception connection*/
private void resync(){
private void attemptReconnect() throws Exception{
if (!development){
//clean up any portions of the connection that managed to establish
//incase of stopListener exceptioning out set running to false
running = false;
if (running){
}catch(Exception e){
String.format("Unable to establish connection to JMS server \n %s", e.toString()));
} while (!running);
} else {
logMessage.invoke("info", "Running in development mode, no connection established");
public void onException(JMSException e){
String.format("A JMS Exception has occurred, attempting to re-establish topic connection \n %s", e.toString()));
}catch(Exception g){
String.format("Unable to start Listener \n %s", g.toString()));
/* Test functions */
public void testException() throws JMSException{
onException(new JMSException("testing exception function"));
public void testChannel (String message){
if (development){
publish.invoke(channel, message);
Quando creo il collegamento che uso netstat per verificare se il server è collegato
netstat - un | grep 8001 tcp 0 0 ip-address: 59730
ip-address: 8001 ISTITUITO
Poi io chiamo il mio .stopListener in aggiunta al metodo .closeContext e tornare a controllare di nuovo il mio legame con netstat e ottengo lo stesso risultato
netstat -an | grep 8001 tcp 0 0 ip-address: 59730
ip-address: 8001 STABILITO
Perché sarebbe la chiusura della sessione, abbonato, e connessione non distruggere la connessione al server JMS. La documentazione che ho trovato non mi ha dato alcuna spiegazione del motivo per cui non posso distruggere completamente la connessione.
Qual è il valore del flag "sviluppo"? –
è impostato su falso. Se fosse vero, una connessione non sarebbe mai stata stabilita. Vedo i messaggi di registro dei miei blocchi alla fine della disconnessione. – jrahme
È possibile verificare se la connessione non viene stabilita da un altro componente prima di creare la connessione/sessione jms. Non dimenticare di chiudere anche il contesto jndi. –