vi incollo qualche codice come esempio per le diverse richieste:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
namespace EditorUtilities
/// <summary>
/// Prompts with the active document (MdiActiveDocument)
/// </summary>
public class EditorHelper : IEditorHelper
private readonly Editor _editor;
public EditorHelper(Document document)
_editor = document.Editor;
public PromptEntityResult PromptForObject(string promptMessage, Type allowedType, bool exactMatchOfAllowedType)
var polyOptions = new PromptEntityOptions(promptMessage);
polyOptions.SetRejectMessage("Entity is not of type " + allowedType);
polyOptions.AddAllowedClass(allowedType, exactMatchOfAllowedType);
var polyResult = _editor.GetEntity(polyOptions);
return polyResult;
public PromptPointResult PromptForPoint(string promptMessage, bool useDashedLine = false, bool useBasePoint = false, Point3d basePoint = new Point3d(),bool allowNone = true)
var pointOptions = new PromptPointOptions(promptMessage);
if (useBasePoint)
pointOptions.UseBasePoint = true;
pointOptions.BasePoint = basePoint;
pointOptions.AllowNone = allowNone;
if (useDashedLine)
pointOptions.UseDashedLine = true;
var pointResult = _editor.GetPoint(pointOptions);
return pointResult;
public PromptPointResult PromptForPoint(PromptPointOptions promptPointOptions)
return _editor.GetPoint(promptPointOptions);
public PromptDoubleResult PromptForDouble(string promptMessage, double defaultValue = 0.0)
var doubleOptions = new PromptDoubleOptions(promptMessage);
if (Math.Abs(defaultValue - 0.0) > Double.Epsilon)
doubleOptions.UseDefaultValue = true;
doubleOptions.DefaultValue = defaultValue;
var promptDoubleResult = _editor.GetDouble(doubleOptions);
return promptDoubleResult;
public PromptIntegerResult PromptForInteger(string promptMessage)
var promptIntResult = _editor.GetInteger(promptMessage);
return promptIntResult;
public PromptResult PromptForKeywordSelection(
string promptMessage, IEnumerable<string> keywords, bool allowNone, string defaultKeyword = "")
var promptKeywordOptions = new PromptKeywordOptions(promptMessage) { AllowNone = allowNone };
foreach (var keyword in keywords)
if (defaultKeyword != "")
promptKeywordOptions.Keywords.Default = defaultKeyword;
var keywordResult = _editor.GetKeywords(promptKeywordOptions);
return keywordResult;
public Point3dCollection PromptForRectangle(out PromptStatus status, string promptMessage)
var resultRectanglePointCollection = new Point3dCollection();
var viewCornerPointResult = PromptForPoint(promptMessage);
var pointPromptStatus = viewCornerPointResult.Status;
if (viewCornerPointResult.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
var rectangleJig = new RectangleJig(viewCornerPointResult.Value);
var jigResult = _editor.Drag(rectangleJig);
if (jigResult.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
// remove duplicate point at the end of the rectangle
var polyline = rectangleJig.Polyline;
var viewPolylinePoints = GeometryUtility.GetPointsFromPolyline(polyline);
if (viewPolylinePoints.Count == 5)
viewPolylinePoints.RemoveAt(4); // dont know why but true, probably mirror point with the last point
pointPromptStatus = jigResult.Status;
status = pointPromptStatus;
return resultRectanglePointCollection;
public PromptSelectionResult PromptForSelection(string promptMessage = null, SelectionFilter filter = null)
var selectionOptions = new PromptSelectionOptions { MessageForAdding = promptMessage };
var selectionResult = String.IsNullOrEmpty(promptMessage) ? _editor.SelectAll(filter) : _editor.GetSelection(selectionOptions, filter);
return selectionResult;
public PromptSelectionResult PromptForSelection(PromptSelectionOptions promptSelectionOptions,SelectionFilter filter = null)
return _editor.GetSelection(promptSelectionOptions, filter);
public void WriteMessage(string message)
public void DrawVector(Point3d from, Point3d to, int color, bool drawHighlighted)
_editor.DrawVector(from, to, color, drawHighlighted);
2015-06-16 12:18:43
Sai se c'è un? buona referenza API? Volevo vedere quali erano tutte le proprietà nella classe 'PromptResult' e se ci sono sovraccarichi per' GetString', ma tutto quello che posso trovare è un [semplice esempio] ( /? guid = GUID-203F2756-1BA6-4226-A505-B776ED8AF0FB). Sembra che l'API Javascript abbia alcune proprietà su [PromptStringOptions] ([email protected]) che potrebbero farti lavorare con valori predefiniti, mi chiedevo se era un parallelo in .NET. –
PromptStringOptions è sicuramente quello che stai cercando. Ecco una guida introduttiva all'API:'s%20Guide/index.html?url=WS1a9193826455f5ff2566ffd511ff6f8c7ca-3cf7.htm,topicNumber=d0e30666 – Miiir
Spiacenti, ecco il link corretto:'s%20Guide/index.html?url=WS1a9193826455f5ff2566ffd511ff6f8c7ca-3cf7.htm,topicNumber=d0e30666 – Miiir