2014-04-12 21 views

Sto cercando di rendere il rendering di un browser a lato del mio progetto monogame, per disegnare alcune cose dell'interfaccia &. L'ho fatto in passato con versioni precedenti di awesomium senza problemi. Ma non riesco a capire come inizializzare correttamente awesomium in questa nuova versione, ottengo un errore, non importa quanto provo a farlo. Come ho capito ho bisogno di chiamare WebCore.Run() una volta, invece di WebCore.Update(), ma ottengo varie eccezioni da quel metodo.Come implementare Awesomium in un progetto Monogame?

qui sono i passi che ho seguito finora:

  1. Installare Awesomium
  2. Refrenced \\wrappers\Awesomium.NET\Assemblies\Packed\Awesomium.Core.dll nel mio progetto

Ecco alcuni dei miei tentativi:

WebCore.Initialize(new WebConfig()); 
    //Error: Starting an update loop on a thread with an existing message loop, is not supported. 

WebCore.Initialized += (sender, e) => 
    WebCore.Initialize(new WebConfig()); 
    WebView WebView = WebCore.CreateWebView(500, 400); 
    //Error: Starting an update loop on a thread with an existing message loop, is not supported. 

WebCore.Initialize(new WebConfig()); 
    WebView WebView = WebCore.CreateWebView(500, 400); 
    WebView.Source = new Uri("http://www.google.com"); 
    WebView.DocumentReady += (sender, e) => 
     JSObject js = WebView.CreateGlobalJavascriptObject("w"); 
    // No errors, but DocumentReady is never fired.. 

Ho anche riusciti a ottenere gli errori NullRefrence, e se aspetto Thread.Sleep (400) prima di chiamare WebCore.Run(), appena entra nella WebCore.Run() e non completa mai quella linea.

Come si imposta? Non riesco a trovare alcun esempio da nessuna parte. Tutti gli esempi online ti dicono ancora di usare Update che è Obsoleto


Sto lottando con la stessa cosa. –


Sì, non l'ho mai risolto ... Ho eseguito il downgrade alla versione Questa versione funziona perfettamente. Se hai qualche trouple con quello, sarò felice di aiutarti. – BjarkeCK



Ho appena funzionato, devi creare un nuovo thread, quindi chiamare Esegui, quindi ascoltare un evento che verrà generato da WebCore che avrà creato un nuovo SynchronizationContext da allora. È quindi desidera mantenere un riferimento a tale contesto sul thread principale ...

Thread awesomiumThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(() => 
    WebCore.Started += (s, e) => { 
     awesomiumContext = SynchronizationContext.Current; 



WebCore.Initialize(new WebConfig() { }); 

... si può quindi chiamare tutti i tuoi metodi WebView che utilizzano tale SynchronizationContext ...

awesomiumContext.Post(state => 
    this.WebView.Source = "http://www.google.com"; 
}, null); 

lo farò riordinare questo con una modifica futura, ma per farvi iniziare ragazzi, ecco il mio componente ...

using Awesomium.Core; 
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; 
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; 
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; 
using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading; 
using System.Threading.Tasks; 

namespace AwesomiumComponent 
    public class BasicAwesomiumComponent : DrawableGameComponent 
     private Byte[] imageBytes; 
     private Rectangle area; 
     private Rectangle? newArea; 
     private Boolean resizing; 
     private SpriteBatch spriteBatch; 
     private Texture2D WebViewTexture { get; set; } 
     private SynchronizationContext awesomiumContext = null; 
     private WebView WebView { get; set; } 
     private BitmapSurface Surface { get; set; } 
     private MouseState lastMouseState; 
     private MouseState currentMouseState; 
     private Keys[] lastPressedKeys; 
     private Keys[] currentPressedKeys = new Keys[0]; 
     private static ManualResetEvent awesomiumReady = new ManualResetEvent(false); 

     public Rectangle Area 
      get { return this.area; } 
       this.newArea = value; 

     public BasicAwesomiumComponent(Game game, Rectangle area) 
      : base(game) 
      this.area = area; 

      this.spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(game.GraphicsDevice); 

      Thread awesomiumThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(() => 
       WebCore.Started += (s, e) => { 
        awesomiumContext = SynchronizationContext.Current; 



      WebCore.Initialize(new WebConfig() { }); 


      awesomiumContext.Post(state => 
       this.WebView = WebCore.CreateWebView(this.area.Width, this.area.Height, WebViewType.Offscreen); 

       this.WebView.IsTransparent = true; 
       this.WebView.CreateSurface += (s, e) => 
        this.Surface = new BitmapSurface(this.area.Width, this.area.Height); 
        e.Surface = this.Surface; 
      }, null); 

     public void SetResourceInterceptor(IResourceInterceptor interceptor) 
      awesomiumContext.Post(state => 
       WebCore.ResourceInterceptor = interceptor; 
      }, null); 

     public void Execute(string method, params object[] args) 
      string script = string.Format("viewModel.{0}({1})", method, string.Join(",", args.Select(x => "\"" + x.ToString() + "\""))); 

     public void RegisterFunction(string methodName, Action<object, CancelEventArgs> handler) 
      // Create and acquire a Global Javascript object. 
      // These object persist for the lifetime of the web-view. 
      using (JSObject myGlobalObject = this.WebView.CreateGlobalJavascriptObject("game")) 
       // The handler is of type JavascriptMethodEventHandler. Here we define it 
       // using a lambda expression. 

       myGlobalObject.Bind(methodName, true, (s, e) => 
        handler(s, e); 
        // Provide a response. 
        e.Result = "My response"; 

     public void Load() 

     protected override void LoadContent() 
      if (this.area.IsEmpty) 
       this.area = this.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds; 
       this.newArea = this.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds; 
      this.WebViewTexture = new Texture2D(this.Game.GraphicsDevice, this.area.Width, this.area.Height, false, SurfaceFormat.Color); 

      this.imageBytes = new Byte[this.area.Width * 4 * this.area.Height]; 

     public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) 
      awesomiumContext.Post(state => 
       if (this.newArea.HasValue && !this.resizing && gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds > 0.10f) 
        this.area = this.newArea.Value; 
        if (this.area.IsEmpty) 
         this.area = this.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds; 

        this.WebView.Resize(this.area.Width, this.area.Height); 
        this.WebViewTexture = new Texture2D(this.Game.GraphicsDevice, this.area.Width, this.area.Height, false, SurfaceFormat.Color); 
        this.imageBytes = new Byte[this.area.Width * 4 * this.area.Height]; 
        this.resizing = true; 

        this.newArea = null; 

       lastMouseState = currentMouseState; 
       currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); 

       this.WebView.InjectMouseMove(currentMouseState.X - this.area.X, currentMouseState.Y - this.area.Y); 

       if (currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && lastMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) 
       if (currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released && lastMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) 
       if (currentMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed && lastMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Released) 
       if (currentMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Released && lastMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed) 
       if (currentMouseState.MiddleButton == ButtonState.Pressed && lastMouseState.MiddleButton == ButtonState.Released) 
       if (currentMouseState.MiddleButton == ButtonState.Released && lastMouseState.MiddleButton == ButtonState.Pressed) 

       if (currentMouseState.ScrollWheelValue != lastMouseState.ScrollWheelValue) 
        this.WebView.InjectMouseWheel((currentMouseState.ScrollWheelValue - lastMouseState.ScrollWheelValue), 0); 

       lastPressedKeys = currentPressedKeys; 
       currentPressedKeys = Keyboard.GetState().GetPressedKeys(); 

       // Key Down 
       foreach (var key in currentPressedKeys) 
        if (!lastPressedKeys.Contains(key)) 
         this.WebView.InjectKeyboardEvent(new WebKeyboardEvent() 
          Type = WebKeyboardEventType.KeyDown, 
          VirtualKeyCode = (VirtualKey)(int)key, 
          NativeKeyCode = (int)key 

         if ((int)key >= 65 && (int)key <= 90) 
          this.WebView.InjectKeyboardEvent(new WebKeyboardEvent() 
           Type = WebKeyboardEventType.Char, 
           Text = key.ToString().ToLower() 
         else if (key == Keys.Space) 
          this.WebView.InjectKeyboardEvent(new WebKeyboardEvent() 
           Type = WebKeyboardEventType.Char, 
           Text = " " 

       // Key Up 
       foreach (var key in lastPressedKeys) 
        if (!currentPressedKeys.Contains(key)) 
         this.WebView.InjectKeyboardEvent(new WebKeyboardEvent() 
          Type = WebKeyboardEventType.KeyUp, 
          VirtualKeyCode = (VirtualKey)(int)key, 
          NativeKeyCode = (int)key 

      }, null); 


     public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) 
      awesomiumContext.Post(state => 
       if (Surface != null && Surface.IsDirty && !resizing) 
         // This part saves us from double copying everything. 
         fixed (Byte* imagePtr = this.imageBytes) 
          Surface.CopyTo((IntPtr)imagePtr, Surface.Width * 4, 4, true, false); 
      }, null); 

      Vector2 pos = new Vector2(0, 0); 
      spriteBatch.Draw(this.WebViewTexture, pos, Color.White); 
      GraphicsDevice.Textures[0] = null; 


     public Uri Source 
       return this.WebView.Source; 
       awesomiumContext.Post(state => 
        this.WebView.Source = value; 
       }, null); 

     public void Resize(int width, int height) 
      this.newArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); ; 

Fantastico! Non l'avrei mai capito. Posso chiederti dove hai trovato quell'informazione? – BjarkeCK


Ho letto le osservazioni sul metodo Run e l'ho violato fino a farlo funzionare. Per visualizzare le osservazioni, GoToDefinition sul metodo Run, quindi espandere il commento compresso. –


Ottimo lavoro Dean. Vorrei poterti dare 1000 voti per questo. – ZafarYousafi