Ecco un esempio utilizzando AWS SDK per JavaScript v2.1.33.
L'esempio completo è qui:
AWS configure
Note: this is a simple experiement for demonstration
purposes only. Replace the keys below with your own.
Do not include the secret key in an actual production
environment, because, then, it wont be secret anymore...
AWS.config.update({accessKeyId: 'AKIAJUPWRIYYQGDB6AFA', secretAccessKey: 'I8Z5tXI5OdRk0SPQKfNY7PlmXGcM8o1vuZAO20xB'});
// Configure the region
AWS.config.region = 'us-west-2'; //us-west-2 is Oregon
//create the ddb object
var ddb = new AWS.DynamoDB();
Update the Table
//update the table with this data
var params = {
Key: {
name: {S: 'John Mayo-Smith'},
city: {S: 'New York'}
AttributeUpdates: {
food: {
Action: 'PUT',
Value: {S: 'chocolate'}
TableName: 'sampletable',
ReturnValues: 'ALL_NEW'
//update the table
Get Item from the Table
//attribute to read
var readparams = {
Key: {
name: {S: 'John Mayo-Smith'},
city: {S: 'New York'}
AttributesToGet: ['food'],
TableName: 'sampletable'
//get the item
function update()
Description: Calls updateItem which is part of the AWS Javascript
Returns: JSON object (the object is stringifyed so we can see
what's going on in the javascript console)
function update(){
ddb.updateItem(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) { return console.log(err); }
console.log("We updated the table with this: " + JSON.stringify(data));
function read()
Description: Calls getItem which is part of the AWS Javascript
Returns: JSON object (the object is stringifyed so we can see
what's going on in the javascript console)
function read(){
ddb.getItem(readparams, function(err, data) {
if (err) { return console.log(err); }
console.log(": " + data);
console.log("John's favorite food is: "+ JSON.stringify(; // print the item data
2015-06-10 02:27:26
Come posso fare questo se voglio aggiornare più Arrtibutes? Puoi per favore aiutare? – Karthik
@Karthik Il tuo 'UpdateExpression' ha solo più attributi. Come 'SET Brand =: b, Price =: p'. Se vuoi fare più azioni diverse (come 'SET' e' REMOVE') puoi farlo anche tu. Guarda [* Modifica articoli e attributi con Update Expressions *] (, e poni una nuova domanda in caso di problemi. – mkobit
grazie mille. – Karthik