2015-09-10 14 views

Ho letto per un po 'e non riesco a capire bene. Ho un file con i miei script in esso login_process.js e un altro file che ha funzioni del modulo che ho bisogno di richiedere routines.js.Casper js richiede il modulo

Continuo a ricevere un errore di analisi sulla linea var routine = require('../routines');. Immagino che questo significhi che l'errore potrebbe essere nel file routines.js ma nel nodo (usato per testare la sintassi) e jshint mi sta solo dicendo che casper e le altre librerie sono indefinite (es. Phantomjs, richiedono ect).

I file sono i seguenti: routines.js:

var require = patchRequire(require); 
var casper = require('casper').create(); 

exports.login = function(email, pass, test) { 
    casper.then(function() { 
     this.withFrame(0, function() { 
      this.waitUntilVisible('form#login-form', function() { 
       this.fill('form#login-form', { 
        email: email, 
        password: pass 
       }, false); 
     casper.withFrame(0, function() { 

exports.signup = function(first_name, last_name, email, pass, other_pass, test) { 
    casper.then(function() { 
     this.withFrame(0, function() { 
      this.waitUntilVisible('form#signup-form', function() { 
       this.fill('form#signup-form', { 
       first_name: first_name, 
       last_name: last_name, 
       login: email, 
       password: pass, 
       re_enter_password: 'pass' 
      }, false); 
     casper.withFrame(0, function() { 


// var require = patchRequire(require); 
var routine = require('../routines'); 

casper.test.begin('Logs in', 1, function(test) { 

    var fs = require('fs') 
    var data = fs.read('../cookies.txt'); 
    phantom.cookies = JSON.parse(data); 


    .wait(1000, function(){ 
     routine.login('****@witkit.com', '******', test); 

    .wait(1000, function(){ 
     this.withFrame(0, function() { 

     casper.echo(JSON.stringify(routine.login)+ "here") 

    .run(function() { 


casper.test.begin('Wrong login warning', 2, function(test) { 



    .wait(1000, function(){ 
     routine.login('****@witkit.com', '******', test); 

    .wait(1000, function(){ 
     this.withFrame(0, function() { 
      test.assertSelectorHasText('.wkErrorMessageText', 'Wrong email or password'); 


    .run(function() { 


casper.test.begin('Directs to correct url on form submission', 2, function(test) { 



    .wait(1000, function(){ 
     routine.login('*******@witkit.com', '**', test); 

    .wait(1000, function(){ 


    .run(function() { 



Test file: login_process.js 
SyntaxError: Parse error 
FAIL SyntaxError: Parse error 
# type: error 
# file: login_process.js 
# subject: false 
# error: "SyntaxError: Parse error" 
# stack: 
# Logs in 
FAIL TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'routine.login('[email protected]', 'caspertest', test)') 
# type: uncaughtError 
# file: login_process.js:13 
# error: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'routine.login('*******@witkit.com', '*****', test)') 
#   TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'routine.login('[email protected]', 'caspertest', test)') 
#    at login_process.js:13 
#    at _check (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/casperjs/modules/casper.js:2034) 
# stack: not provided 
# Wrong login warning 
FAIL TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'routine.login('****@witkit.com', '****', test)') 
# type: uncaughtError 
# file: login_process.js:42 
# error: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'routine.login('****@witkit.com', '****', test)') 
#   TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'routine.login('[email protected]', 'caspertest', test)') 
#    at login_process.js:42 
#    at _check (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/casperjs/modules/casper.js:2034) 
# stack: not provided 
# Directs to correct url on form submission 
PASS Current url matches the provided pattern 
FAIL TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'routine.login('[email protected]', 'caspertest', test)') 
# type: uncaughtError 
# file: login_process.js:72 
# error: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'routine.login('******@witkit.com', '******', test)') 
#   TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'routine.login('[email protected]', 'caspertest', test)') 
#    at login_process.js:72 
#    at _check (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/casperjs/modules/casper.js:2034) 
# stack: not provided 
FAIL 5 tests executed in 4.196s, 1 passed, 4 failed, 0 dubious, 0 skipped. 

Details for the 4 failed tests: 

In login_process.js 
    Untitled suite in login_process.js 
    error: SyntaxError: Parse error 
In login_process.js:13 
    Logs in 
    uncaughtError: TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'routine.login('******@witkit.com', '******', test)') 
In login_process.js:42 
    Wrong login warning 
    uncaughtError: TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'routine.login('*****@witkit.com', '*****', test)') 
In login_process.js:72 
    Directs to correct url on form submission 
    uncaughtError: TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'routine.login('*****@witkit.com', '*****', test)') 
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL about:blank from frame with URL file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/casperjs/bin/bootstrap.js. Domains, protocols and ports must match. 

CasperJS è un programma autonomo. Non ha nulla a che fare con node.js. Come stai andando? –


@ArtjomB. Io uso il nodo per eseguirlo per verificare i test per gli errori di sintassi quando fallisce (qualcuno mi ha suggerito di farlo e funziona piuttosto bene) quindi sto usando grunt-casper per eseguire tutti i test. Ma quando eseguo il debugging eseguo 'casperjs test login_process.js --engine = phantomjs' dalla riga di comando – ReganPerkins


Usa eslint o qualcosa del genere per determinare dove si trova l'errore di sintassi. –
