2014-10-25 5 views

Dopo aver creato un nuovo repository sul mio Xcode Server, non posso accedervi ssh, ma posso effettuare sia il comando e il comando git clonegit push utilizzando la protocollo https.Motori di ricerca non può essere creato da Xcode server ospitato repository

Inoltre ho incontrato il seguente errore quando provo a creare un Bot Xcode:

Oct 25 12:43:46 mokii.com xcsbuildd[99898]: XCSCheckoutIntegrationStep.m:160 [XCSCheckoutIntegrationStep logUnderlyingErrorForError:] 
    [SourceControl, Error] SSL error: received early EOF (-1) 
Oct 25 12:43:46 mokii.com xcsbuildd[99898]: XCSCheckoutIntegrationStep.m:119 [XCSCheckoutIntegrationStep enqueueOperations] 
    [SourceControl, Error] Error checkout/clone Error Domain=com.apple.dt.SourceControlErrorDomain Code=-1 "SSL error: received early EOF (-1)" UserInfo=0x7fcf244d3cd0 {com.apple.dt.sourcecontrol.UnderlyingErrorString=SSL error: received early EOF (-1), NSLocalizedDescription=SSL error: received early EOF (-1)} 
Oct 25 12:43:46 mokii.com xcsbuildd[99898]: XCSIntegrationExecutor.m:229 [XCSIntegrationExecutor integrationStep:didFinishWithError:result:] 
    [BuildService, Error] XCSCheckoutIntegrationStep finished integration with an error: Error Domain=com.apple.dt.SourceControlErrorDomain Code=-1 "SSL error: received early EOF (-1)" UserInfo=0x7fcf23e117f0 {com.apple.dt.sourcecontrol.UnderlyingErrorString=SSL error: received early EOF (-1), NSLocalizedDescription=SSL error: received early EOF (-1), XCSErrorFixItType=scm-failure} 

Quando provo ad eseguire il git clone comando repository ospitati in Terminal.app, si verifica un altro errore:

larryhou:repo larryhou$ git clone ssh://[email protected]/git/HostedRepo.git 
Cloning into 'HostedRepo'... 
fatal: '/git/HostedRepo.git' does not appear to be a git repository 
fatal: Could not read from remote repository. 

Please make sure you have the correct access rights 
and the repository exists. 

E posso trovare ulteriori informazioni nel Console.app:

Marker - Oct 25, 2014, 12:25:13 PM 
Oct 25 12:25:15 --- last message repeated 1 time --- 
Oct 25 12:25:15 mokii com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.openssh.sshd.4EA7979A-127B-452C-832D-3A9A7FCB5A04): Service instances do not support events yet. 
Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: AS-REQ [email protected] from for krbtgt/[email protected] 
Oct 25 12:25:16 --- last message repeated 1 time --- 
Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: Client sent patypes: REQ-ENC-PA-REP 
Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: user has no SRP keys 
Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: Need to use PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP/PA-PK-AS-REQ 
Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: AS-REQ [email protected] from for krbtgt/[email protected] 
Oct 25 12:25:16 --- last message repeated 1 time --- 
Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: Client sent patypes: ENC-TS, REQ-ENC-PA-REP 
Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com sandboxd[508] ([380]): kdc(380) deny file-read-data /private/etc/krb5.conf 
Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: ENC-TS pre-authentication succeeded -- [email protected] 
Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: DSUpdateLoginStatus: Unable to synchronize login time for jason: 77009 
Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com kdc[380]: Client supported enctypes: aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96, aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96, des3-cbc-sha1, arcfour-hmac-md5, using aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96/aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 
Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com kdc[380]: Requested flags: forwardable 
Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com kdc[380]: TGS-REQ [email protected] from for host/[email protected] [canonicalize, forwardable] 
Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com kdc[380]: TGS-REQ [email protected] from for host/[email protected] [forwardable] 
Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com kdc[380]: TGS-REQ [email protected] from for ldap/[email protected] [canonicalize, forwardable] 
Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com kdc[380]: TGS-REQ [email protected] from for ldap/[email protected] [forwardable] 
Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com sshd[61715]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for jason from port 58668 ssh2 
Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com sshd[61722]: Received disconnect from 11: disconnected by user 
Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.openssh.sshd.4EA7979A-127B-452C-832D-3A9A7FCB5A04[61715]): Service exited with abnormal code: 255 

Sto avendo lo stesso identico problema. Non ho trovato una soluzione per questo problema finora. Il link al forum di apple dev contiene solo me, purtroppo, risposte. Con questo problema il server xcode diventa praticamente inutile :( – gyurisc


ho incontrato più volte questo problema, ma da quando mi sono trasferito su https, sono stato in grado di fare il checkout, ma non ho spinto. Ho usato questo post per farmi passare alcuni dei miei problemi, forse ti aiuterà anche http://papaanton.com/setting-up-xcode-6-and-apple-server-4-0-for-continues-integration-with-cocoapods/ – bolnad


Git i problemi dipendono principalmente dai problemi di SSH o SSL: per far funzionare il clone git, potrebbe essere necessario sostituire il link git: // con link https. – Prav
