2014-06-22 15 views

Sto provando a impostare il contenuto dello sfondo di una scena su un effetto skybox usando circa un array di 6 immagini.Come impostare il contenuto dello sfondo di Scenekit sulla mappa del cubo

ho creato la serie di immagini nell'ordine corretto, so che ho bisogno quindi utilizzare per

+ (instancetype) materialPropertyWithContents:(id)contents 

Comunque sto lottando per capire come e dove esattamente io uso che metodo di classe per restituire la proprietà contenente la mappa del cubo.



La proprietà "background" di SCNScene appartiene alla classe SCNMaterialProperty. In questo modo è possibile impostare il contenuto direttamente su una serie di 6 immagini per impostare skybox (vedere SCNScene.h).

aScene.background.contents = @[@"Right.png", @"Left.png", @"Top.png", @"Bottom.png", @"Back.png", @"Front.png"]; 

Assicurarsi che le 6 immagini siano quadrate e con le stesse dimensioni.


È possibile animare la skybox? –


Vale anche la pena notare che la dimensione delle immagini deve essere una potenza di 2. – gargantuan


HERES mia awakeFromNib per una sottoclasse ScnView

sì, il suo fuorviante in quanto il valore assegnato al contenuto è id e c'è così pochi campioni.

HERES mia awakeFromNib per uno ScnView sottoclasse

utilizzare alcun 6 immagini di stesse dimensioni. TGA non richiesto.

Google skybox per trovare esempi.

Questo esempio crea uno skybox e applica le stesse immagini a un cubo che lo fa sembrare speculare al cielo.

controllo della telecamera è quindi basta spostare il mouse per ruotare quella che appare come un cubo a specchio

// SkyBoxSceneView.h 
// SceneKit_Skybox 
// Created by Brian Clear on 12/06/2014. 
// Copyright (c) 2014 Brian Clear. All rights reserved. 
#import <SceneKit/SceneKit.h> 

@interface SkyBoxSceneView : SCNView 


// SkyBoxSceneView.m 
// SceneKit_Skybox 
// Created by Brian Clear on 12/06/2014. 
// Copyright (c) 2014 Brian Clear. All rights reserved. 

#import "SkyBoxSceneView.h" 

@implementation SkyBoxSceneView 

    // create a new scene 
    SCNScene *scene = [SCNScene scene]; 

    //it took me a while to get it working 
    //FIRST ISSUE - Error:scene.background is readonly 

    // I misread the help as "to set skybox set the scene.background" 
    scene.background = ;   //INCORRECT 
    scene.background.contents = ; //OK 
    //I should have read it as "to set skybox set the scene.background content e.g. scene.background.contents" 

    //ONLY EXAMPLE OF setting material.reflective DOESNT WORK for scene.background.content 
    I couldnt get sky box to work for ages because the only example of using reflective property I found was in 
    in the 2014 sample code 

    _material.reflective.contents = @[@"right.tga", @"left.tga", @"top.tga", @"bottom.tga", @"back.tga", @"front.tga"]; 

    so I tried it on scene.background.contents = 

    but didnt work 
    //scene.background.contents = @[@"right.png", @"left.png", @"top.png", @"bottom.png", @"back.png", @"front.png"]; 

    //ATTEMPT 3 - I changed all tga to png but still nothing 

    //ATTEMPT 4 - Note this is very wrong. I was way off here 
    //when I saw this 
    // _material.reflective.contents = @[@"right.tga", @"left.tga", @"top.tga", @"bottom.tga", @"back.tga", @"front.tga"]; 
    //I then saw this 
    //scene.background.contents = ... 
    //I made the mistake of presuming that both "content" properties were the same 
    //SceneKit take a lot of id properties so WITHOUT A GUIDE you have to guess what goes into thes id properties 

    //I though scene.background was a SCNMaterialProperty cos it had scene.background.content 
    //same as material.reflective.content - reflective is a SCNMaterialProperty 

    //tried it with SCNMaterialProperty.content 
    //but would never work as scene.background isnt a SCNMaterialProperty.content 
    // SCNMaterialProperty *scnMaterialProperty = [SCNMaterialProperty materialPropertyWithContents: @[@"right.tga", @"left.tga", @"top.tga", @"bottom.tga", @"back.tga", @"front.tga"]]; 
    //tried with png but same issue 
    // SCNMaterialProperty *scnMaterialProperty = [SCNMaterialProperty materialPropertyWithContents: @[@"right.png", @"left.png", @"top.png", @"bottom.png", @"back.png", @"front.png"]]; 
    //I had tried passing NSImage instead of NSString for material which worked 
    //boxNode.geometry.firstMaterial.reflective.contents = @[[NSImage imageNamed:@"right.tga"],.... 
    //so tried that for scne.background.content 
    //but was doomed as not a SCNMaterialProperty 
    // SCNMaterialProperty *scnMaterialProperty = [SCNMaterialProperty materialPropertyWithContents: @[[NSImage imageNamed:@"right.tga"], 
    //  [NSImage imageNamed:@"left.tga"], 
    //  [NSImage imageNamed:@"top.tga"], 
    //  [NSImage imageNamed:@"bottom.tga"], 
    //  [NSImage imageNamed:@"back.tga"], 
    //  [NSImage imageNamed:@"front.tga"]]]; 

    //Test 4 - try with one image 

    //WORKS - set whole background to one image 
    //scene.background.contents = [NSImage imageNamed:@"left.tga"];//OK 

    //this proved that the image does load 

    //use same one image in a SCNMaterialProperty 
    //DOESNT WORK - so issue is the SCNMaterialProperty 
    // SCNMaterialProperty *scnMaterialProperty = [SCNMaterialProperty materialPropertyWithContents:[NSImage imageNamed:@"right.tga"]]; 
    // scnMaterialProperty.intensity = 0.7; 
    // scene.background.contents = scnMaterialProperty;//OK 
    //SKYBOX WORKS!!!! 

    //version3 - pass array in directly (NOT through SCNMaterialProperty!!!!) 
    scene.background.contents = @[[NSImage imageNamed:@"right.tga"], 
            [NSImage imageNamed:@"left.tga"], 
            [NSImage imageNamed:@"top.tga"], 
            [NSImage imageNamed:@"bottom.tga"], 
            [NSImage imageNamed:@"back.tga"], 
            [NSImage imageNamed:@"front.tga"]]; 

    //scene.background.contents = @"frozen.mov";// 

    //CAMERA and CUBE 
    // create and add a camera to the scene 
    SCNNode *cameraNode = [SCNNode node]; 
    cameraNode.camera = [SCNCamera camera]; 
    [scene.rootNode addChildNode:cameraNode]; 

    // place the camera 
    cameraNode.position = SCNVector3Make(0, 0, 2); 

    // create and add a 3d box to the scene 
    SCNNode *boxNode = [SCNNode node]; 
    boxNode.geometry = [SCNBox boxWithWidth:1 height:1 length:1 chamferRadius:0.02]; 
    [scene.rootNode addChildNode:boxNode]; 

    // create and configure a material 
// SCNMaterial *material = [SCNMaterial material]; 
// material.diffuse.contents = [NSColor brownColor];//= [NSImage imageNamed:@"texture"]; 
// material.specular.contents = [NSColor brownColor]; 
// material.specular.intensity = 0.2; 
// material.locksAmbientWithDiffuse = YES; 

// //material.reflective.contents = @[@"right.tga", @"left.tga", @"top.tga", @"bottom.tga", @"back.tga", @"front.tga"]; 
// material.reflective.contents = @[@"right.png", @"left.png", @"top.png", @"bottom.png", @"back.png", @"front.png"]; 
// material.diffuse.contents = [NSColor blackColor]; 
// // set the material to the 3d object geometry 
// boxNode.geometry.firstMaterial = material; 
// earth-reflective.jpg 
// boxNode.geometry.firstMaterial.reflective.intensity = 0.7; 

    //boxNode.geometry.firstMaterial.reflective.contents = [NSImage imageNamed:@"earth-reflective"]; 
// boxNode.geometry.firstMaterial.reflective.contents = @[@"right.tga", @"left.tga", @"top.tga", @"bottom.tga", @"back.tga", @"front.tga"]; 


    //make the cube reflect the sky 
    //the sky isnt really being reflected comment out line above "scene.background.contents = ...." 
    //and cube will still reflect the sky 
    //also comment out both of these lines "boxNode.geometry.firstMaterial.reflective 
    //and sky box will still work 

    boxNode.geometry.firstMaterial.reflective.contents = @[[NSImage imageNamed:@"right.tga"], 
                  [NSImage imageNamed:@"left.tga"], 
                  [NSImage imageNamed:@"top.tga"], 
                  [NSImage imageNamed:@"bottom.tga"], 
                  [NSImage imageNamed:@"back.tga"], 
                  [NSImage imageNamed:@"front.tga"]]; 

    boxNode.geometry.firstMaterial.reflective.intensity = 0.7; 
    //this uses same image for all sides of the cube 
    //boxNode.geometry.firstMaterial.reflective.contents = [NSImage imageNamed:@"right.tga"];//ok 
    //boxNode.geometry.firstMaterial.reflective.intensity = 0.7; 

    //VERSION 3 - BLACK 2010 a space odyssey shiny cube 
    //get the earth-reflective.jpg from 
// boxNode.geometry.firstMaterial.reflective.contents = [NSImage imageNamed:@"earth-reflective"]; 
// boxNode.geometry.firstMaterial.reflective.intensity = 0.7; 

    //REQUIRED else above reflections look weird 
    boxNode.geometry.firstMaterial.diffuse.contents = [NSColor blackColor]; 
    boxNode.geometry.firstMaterial.specular.intensity = 0.0; 

    // animate the 3d object - camera control is on so cube spins with the sky 
    //comment in to animate cube 

// CABasicAnimation *animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"rotation"]; 
// animation.toValue = [NSValue valueWithSCNVector4:SCNVector4Make(1, 1, 0, M_PI*2)]; 
// animation.duration = 5; 
// animation.repeatCount = MAXFLOAT; //repeat forever 
// [boxNode addAnimation:animation forKey:nil]; 

    // set the scene to the view 
    self.scene = scene; 

    // allows the user to manipulate the camera 
    self.allowsCameraControl = YES; 

    // show statistics such as fps and timing information 
    self.showsStatistics = YES; 


Per la definizione di SCNMaterialProperty.contents, è possibile utilizzare uno qualsiasi di: 1. Un'immagine di striscia orizzontale dove '6 * image.height == image.width ' 2. Un'immagine di striscia verticale dove' image.height == 6 * image.width' 3. Un'immagine incrociata orizzontale dove '4 * image.height == 3 * image.width' 4. Un'immagine a croce verticale dove '3 * image.height == 4 * image.width' 5. Un'immagine lat/long dove' image.height == 2 * image.width' 6. Un NSArray di 6 immagini. – alexchandel