ero alla ricerca di un frammento per aiutarmi a fare questo, ma non ho trovato nulla vale la pena così sono arrivato fino a questo abbastanza facile da usare direttiva per fare questo
'use strict';
// Tested with Angular 1.3, 1.4.8
angular.module('scrollToEnd', [])
* @ngdoc directive
* @name scrollToEnd:scrollToEnd
* @scope
* @restrict A
* @description
* Supply a handler to be called when this element is scrolled all the way to any extreme.
* The callback must have the following signature:
* void function (direction:'top'|'bottom'|'left'|'right')
* If the `bindToWindow` attribute is truthy, the callback will be issued for the window
* instead of the element that the directive is on.
* Example usage:
* `<div scroll-to-end="scrollToEndWindow" bind-to-window="true">`
* This will call the controller's `scrollToEndWindow` function whenever the window reaches
* the edges when scrolling. If the div itself is a scrollable element for which the
* handler should be called instead, remove the bind-to-window attribute entirely.
* @param {function} emScrollToEnd Callback to be invoked
* @param {boolean} bindToWindow Bind to the window instead of the element
.directive('scrollToEnd', function ($window) {
// Get the specified element's computed style (height, padding, etc.) in integer form
function getStyleInt(elem, prop) {
try {
return parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue(prop), 10);
} catch (e) {
return parseInt(elem.currentStyle[prop], 10);
// Get the 'innerHeight' equivalent for a non-window element, including padding
function getElementDimension(elem, prop) {
switch (prop) {
case 'width':
return getStyleInt(elem, 'width') +
getStyleInt(elem, 'padding-left') +
getStyleInt(elem, 'padding-right');
case 'height':
return getStyleInt(elem, 'height') +
getStyleInt(elem, 'padding-top') +
getStyleInt(elem, 'padding-bottom');
return null;*/
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
callback: '=scrollToEnd'
link: function (scope, elem, attr) {
var callback = scope.callback || function() {};
var boundToWindow = attr.bindToWindow;
var body = document.body;
var html = document.documentElement;
var boundElement = boundToWindow ? angular.element($window) : elem;
var oldScrollX = 0;
var oldScrollY = 0;
var handleScroll = function() {
// Dimensions of the content, including everything scrollable
var contentWidth;
var contentHeight;
// The dimensions of the container with the scrolling, only the visible part
var viewportWidth;
var viewportHeight;
// The offset of how much the user has scrolled
var scrollX;
var scrollY;
if (boundToWindow) {
// Window binding case - Populate Dimensions
contentWidth = Math.max(
contentHeight = Math.max(
viewportWidth = window.innerWidth;
viewportHeight = window.innerHeight;
scrollX = (window.pageXOffset || html.scrollLeft) - (html.clientLeft || 0);
scrollY = (window.pageYOffset || html.scrollTop) - (html.clientTop || 0);
} else {
// DOM element case - Populate Dimensions
var domElement = boundElement[0];
contentWidth = domElement.scrollWidth;
contentHeight = domElement.scrollHeight;
viewportWidth = getElementDimension(domElement, 'width');
viewportHeight = getElementDimension(domElement, 'height');
scrollX = domElement.scrollLeft;
scrollY = domElement.scrollTop;
var scrollWasInXDirection = oldScrollX !== scrollX;
var scrollWasInYDirection = oldScrollY !== scrollY;
oldScrollX = scrollX;
oldScrollY = scrollY;
if (scrollWasInYDirection && scrollY === 0) {
} else if (scrollWasInYDirection && scrollY === contentHeight - viewportHeight) {
} else if (scrollWasInXDirection && scrollX === 0) {
} else if (scrollWasInXDirection && scrollX === contentWidth - viewportWidth) {
boundElement.bind('scroll', handleScroll);
// Unbind the event when scope is destroyed
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
boundElement.unbind('scroll', handleScroll);
Ecco un jsfiddle per provarlo:
Funziona con angolare 1.3 e 1.4.8, e testato su IE10 e Chrome 5 5.
Grazie di lavoro ora – Sara
Deve essere '> =' perché se si sostituisce 'overflow: scroll;' con 'overflow: scroll-y;' (es. sbarazzarsi della barra di scorrimento inferiore inutilizzata) quindi 'raw.scrollTop + raw.offsetHeight' non sarà mai più di' raw.scrollHeight' – Stalinko
Stalinko, hai assolutamente ragione! – Julsy