2010-05-31 12 views



è coperto da Apache utils.

Vedi questo URL: http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-net/apidocs/org/apache/commons/net/util/SubnetUtils.html

String subnet = ""; 
SubnetUtils utils = new SubnetUtils(subnet); 


Nota: Per l'uso w// 32 sottoreti CIDR, per exemple, bisogna aggiungere la seguente dichiarazione:


sembra che l'utilità abbia un problema con una sola notifica di indirizzo. Intendo; diciamo che l'ip è solo un ip. quindi se voglio usarlo come ip/32 di quanto non riesca. o lo sto usando nel modo sbagliato. –


@OlgunKaya lo stai usando nel modo sbagliato, il costruttore mostrato nella risposta si aspetta la notazione CIDR, è 'IP_address/MASK' non solo' IP_address'. – logoff


L'algoritmo è in pseudo codice (in realtà PHP), è possibile tradurlo in java.
Algoritmo da here.

//$ipNetmask = ""; 
list($ip, $netmask) = split("/", $ipNetmask); 
$ip_elements_decimal = split("[.]", $ip); 
for($i=1; $i <= $netmask; $i++) { 
    $netmask_result .= "1"; 
for($i=$netmask+1; $i <= 32; $i++) { 
    $netmask_result .= "0"; 
$netmask_ip_binary_array = str_split($netmask_result, 8); 
$netmask_ip_decimal_array = array(); 
foreach($netmask_ip_binary_array as $k => $v){ 
    $netmask_ip_decimal_array[$k] = bindec($v); // "100" => 4 
    $network_address_array[$k] = ($netmask_ip_decimal_array[$k] & $ip_elements_decimal[$k]); 
$network_address = join(".", $network_address_array); 

// ------------------------------------------------ 
// ------------------------------------------------ 
// IP Entered = ..................: 
// CIDR = ........................: /30 
// Netmask = .....................: 
// Network Address = .............: 

// Broadcast Address = ...........: 
// Usable IP Addresses = .........: 2 
// First Usable IP Address = .....: 
// Last Usable IP Address = ......: 

Questo è come si dovrebbe farlo in Java,

String[] parts = addr.split("/"); 
    String ip = parts[0]; 
    int prefix; 
    if (parts.length < 2) { 
     prefix = 0; 
    } else { 
     prefix = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); 
    int mask = 0xffffffff << (32 - prefix); 
    System.out.println("Prefix=" + prefix); 
    System.out.println("Address=" + ip); 

    int value = mask; 
    byte[] bytes = new byte[]{ 
      (byte)(value >>> 24), (byte)(value >> 16 & 0xff), (byte)(value >> 8 & 0xff), (byte)(value & 0xff) }; 

    InetAddress netAddr = InetAddress.getByAddress(bytes); 
    System.out.println("Mask=" + netAddr.getHostAddress()); 

/*** approssimazione in javascript. visto che ne avevo bisogno per me stesso, posso anche condividere ***/ function cidrToMask (cidrStr) { \t var parts = cidrStr.split ('/'); \t var ipStr = parts [0]; \t var prefisso = (parti.lunghezza <1)? 0: Number (parti [1]); \t var mask = 0xffffffff << (32 - prefisso); \t \t var maskStr = [(maschera >>> 24), (maschera >> 16 & 0xff), (maschera >> 8 & 0xff), (maschera e 0xff)] .join ('.'); \t avviso ("Prefisso =" + prefisso + "\ n" + "Indirizzo =" + ipStr + "\ n" + "Maschera =" + mascheraStr); }; cidrToMask (''); – username


seguito la risposta di Yuriy: Per ottenere l'intera gamma di indirizzi IP, la classe Apache Java SubnetUtils offre i seguenti metodi:

String[] addresses = utils.getInfo().getAllAddresses(); 

Per scaricare il barattolo contenente il via classe: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/commons-net/commons-net/3.0.1/commons-net-3.0.1.jar

Il codice sorgente: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/commons/proper/net/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/net/util/SubnetUtils.java?view=markup

Maven ID:


È possibile utilizzare org.springframework.security.web.util.IpAddressMatcher da Spring Framework.

SubnetUtils classe

https://github.com/edazdarevic/CIDRUtils offre supporto IPv6 e un test per verificare se un indirizzo IP è compreso nell'intervallo o meno. Manca però la lunghezza della maschera. Vedere questa risposta http://stackoverflow.com/questions/558038/ipv4-ipv6-network-calculations-and-validation-for-java/15041513#15041513 –


Apache Java offre aiuto a fare un po 'di questo:

String[] parts = ipv4Cidr.split("/"); 
if (parts[1].equals("0")) 
    // This accepts all ip addresses. Technically not a subnet. 
    maskLength = 0; 
    maskAdress = "" 
    maskLength = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); 
    cidrInfo = new SubnetUtils(ipv4Cidr).getInfo(); 
    maskAdress = cidrInfo.asInteger(cidrInfo.getNetmask()); 
    networkAddress = cidrInfo.getNetworkAddress() 

Ecco un semplice esempio Groovy

def cidrAddress = '' 
def cidrAddressList = cidrAddress.tokenize("\\/") 
def baseIPAddress = cidrAddressList.first() 
def cidrIPMask = cidrAddressList.last().toInteger() 
def netMaskList = [] 
Integer fullOctets = cidrIPMask.intdiv(8) 
fullOctets.times {netMaskList.add('255')} 
def remainder = cidrIPMask % 8 
netMaskList.add((256 - (2 ** (8 - remainder))).toString()) 
def netMask = netMaskList.flatten().getAt(0..3).join('.') 
return [cidrAddress,baseIPAddress,cidrIPMask,netMask] 

questo è il mio groove :)

//IP calculator by ku1gun 

// input 
String inputAddr = ""; 

def(String ipAddrBin, String maskAddrBin, String invertedMaskBin, int hostsCount) = getIpAddrAndCidrMaskBin(inputAddr); 

String broadcastAddr = retrieveBroadcastAddr(ipAddrBin, invertedMaskBin); 
String ipAddr = getTenBaseAddrValueFromBin(ipAddrBin); 
String maskAddr = getTenBaseAddrValueFromBin(maskAddrBin); 
String invertedMask = getTenBaseAddrValueFromBin(invertedMaskBin); 
String networkAddr = retrieveNetworkAddr(ipAddrBin, maskAddrBin); 

def (String ipMinVal, String ipMaxVal) = getMinMaxIpRangeValues(networkAddr, broadcastAddr) 

//Output "debug" results 
System.out.println("ipInput: " + ipAddr); 
System.out.println("MaskInput: " + maskAddr); 
System.out.println("invertedMask: " + invertedMask); 
System.out.println("ipBin: " + ipAddrBin); 
System.out.println("MaskInBin: " + maskAddrBin); 
System.out.println("InvertedMaskBin: " + invertedMaskBin); 
System.out.println("maskAddr: " + maskAddr); 
System.out.println("hostsCount: " + hostsCount); 
System.out.println("networkAddr: " + networkAddr); 
System.out.println("broadcastAddr: " + broadcastAddr); 
System.out.println("ipMinVal: " + ipMinVal); 
System.out.println("ipMaxVal: " + ipMaxVal); 
System.out.println("IP range list:"); 

long ipStart = host2long(ipMinVal); 
long ipEnd = host2long(ipMaxVal); 

for (long i=ipStart; i<=ipEnd; i++) 

//general methods 
def getIpAddrAndCidrMaskBin(String inputAddrStr) 
    def netMask = ""; 
    def invNetMask = ""; 

    def cidrAddressList = inputAddrStr.tokenize("\\/") 
    def baseIPAddress = cidrAddressList.first() 
    def cidrIPMask = cidrAddressList.last().toInteger() 

    //retrieve binaryNetMask and binaryInvertedNetMask 
    for(i=0; i<32; i++) 
      netMask = netMask + "1"; 
      invNetMask = invNetMask + "0"; 
      netMask = netMask + "0"; 
      invNetMask = invNetMask + "1"; 

    //retrieve binaryIpAddress 
    String[] addrOctetArray = baseIPAddress.split("\\."); 
    String binAddr = ""; 
    for (String string : addrOctetArray) 
      int octet = Integer.parseInt(string);  
      String binaryOctet = String.format("%8s", Integer.toBinaryString(octet)).replace(' ', '0'); 
      binAddr = binAddr + binaryOctet; 

    hostsCount = 2**(32 - cidrIPMask) - 2; 

    return [binAddr, netMask, invNetMask, hostsCount] 

def getTenBaseAddrValueFromBin(String binVal) 
    tenBaseAddr = ""; 
    tenBaseAddr = tenBaseAddr + Integer.parseInt(binVal.substring(0,8), 2) + "." + Integer.parseInt(binVal.substring(8,16), 2) + "." + Integer.parseInt(binVal.substring(16,24), 2) + "." + Integer.parseInt(binVal.substring(24,32), 2) 
    return tenBaseAddr; 

def retrieveBroadcastAddr(String ipAddrBin, String invertedMaskBin) 
    def oct_1 = Integer.parseInt(ipAddrBin.substring(0,8), 2) | Integer.parseInt(invertedMaskBin.substring(0,8), 2); 
    def oct_2 = Integer.parseInt(ipAddrBin.substring(8,16), 2) | Integer.parseInt(invertedMaskBin.substring(8,16), 2); 
    def oct_3 = Integer.parseInt(ipAddrBin.substring(16,24), 2) | Integer.parseInt(invertedMaskBin.substring(16,24), 2); 
    def oct_4 = Integer.parseInt(ipAddrBin.substring(24,32), 2) | Integer.parseInt(invertedMaskBin.substring(24,32), 2); 

    def t_oct = oct_1 + "."+ oct_2 + "." + oct_3 + "." + oct_4; 
    return t_oct 

def retrieveNetworkAddr(String ipAddrBin, String maskInBin) 
    def oct_1 = Integer.parseInt(ipAddrBin.substring(0,8), 2) & Integer.parseInt(maskInBin.substring(0,8), 2); 
    def oct_2 = Integer.parseInt(ipAddrBin.substring(8,16), 2) & Integer.parseInt(maskInBin.substring(8,16), 2); 
    def oct_3 = Integer.parseInt(ipAddrBin.substring(16,24), 2) & Integer.parseInt(maskInBin.substring(16,24), 2); 
    def oct_4 = Integer.parseInt(ipAddrBin.substring(24,32), 2) & Integer.parseInt(maskInBin.substring(24,32), 2); 

    def t_oct = oct_1 + "."+ oct_2 + "." + oct_3 + "." + oct_4; 
    return t_oct 

def getMinMaxIpRangeValues(networkAddr, broadcastAddr) 
    String[] ipAddrOctetArray = networkAddr.split("\\."); 
    String[] broadcastOctetArray = broadcastAddr.split("\\."); 

    String minRangeVal = ipAddrOctetArray[0] + "." + ipAddrOctetArray[1] + "." + ipAddrOctetArray[2] + "." + (Integer.parseInt(ipAddrOctetArray[3]) + 1) 
    String maxRangeVal = broadcastOctetArray[0] + "." +broadcastOctetArray[1] + "." +broadcastOctetArray[2] + "." + (Integer.parseInt(broadcastOctetArray[3]) - 1) 

    return[minRangeVal, maxRangeVal] 

//IP list generate 
public static long host2long(String host) 
    long ip=0; 
    if (!Character.isDigit(host.charAt(0))) return -1; 
    int[] addr = ip2intarray(host); 
    if (addr == null) return -1; 
    for (int i=0;i<addr.length;++i) 
     ip += ((long)(addr[i]>=0 ? addr[i] : 0)) << 8*(3-i); 
    return ip; 

public static int[] ip2intarray(String host) 
    Integer[] address = [-1,-1,-1,-1]; 
    int i=0; 
    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(host,"."); 
    if (tokens.countTokens() > 4) return null; 
    while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) 
      address[i++] = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken()) & 0xFF; 
     catch(NumberFormatException nfe) 
      return null; 
    return address; 

public static String long2dotted(long ip) 
    // if ip is bigger than or smaller than 
    if (ip > 4294967295l || ip < 0) 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid ip"); 
    StringBuilder ipAddress = new StringBuilder(); 
    for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { 
     int shift = i * 8; 
     ipAddress.append((ip & (0xff << shift)) >> shift); 
     if (i > 0) { 
    return ipAddress.toString(); 

questo è per lo più brutto codice Java con solo un paio di "def" s . In corretta Groovy questo sarebbe la metà delle dimensioni. – Renato

--plsql ip_calc by ku1gun 
with a as 
    '' ip 
from dual 
),b as 
    utl_raw.concat(utl_raw.substr(utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(to_number(regexp_substr(ip,'[^.]+',1,1)),2),1,1),utl_raw.substr(utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(to_number(regexp_substr(ip,'[^.]+',1,2)),2),1,1),utl_raw.substr(utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(to_number(regexp_substr(ip,'[^.]+',1,3)),2),1,1),utl_raw.substr(utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(to_number(regexp_substr(replace(ip,'/','.'),'[^.]+',1,4)),2),1,1)) ip, 
    utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(power(2,32-to_number(regexp_substr(ip,'[^/]+',1,2)))-1) wildcard, 
    utl_raw.bit_xor(utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(-1),utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(power(2,32-to_number(regexp_substr(ip,'[^/]+',1,2)))-1)) mask 
from a 
),c as 
    utl_raw.bit_and(ip,mask) network_address, 
    utl_raw.bit_or(utl_raw.bit_and(ip,mask),wildcard) broadcast_address, 
    utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.bit_and(ip,mask))+1) first_adress, 
    utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.bit_or(utl_raw.bit_and(ip,mask),wildcard))-1) last_adress, 
    utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.bit_and(ip,mask))+level) ip_address 
from b 
connect by level<utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.bit_or(utl_raw.bit_and(ip,mask),wildcard))-utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.bit_and(ip,mask)) 
    to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(network_address,1,1)))||'.'||to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(network_address,2,1)))||'.'||to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(network_address,3,1)))||'.'||to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(network_address,4,1))) network_address, 
    to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(broadcast_address,1,1)))||'.'||to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(broadcast_address,2,1)))||'.'||to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(broadcast_address,3,1)))||'.'||to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(broadcast_address,4,1))) broadcast_address, 
    to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(first_adress,1,1)))||'.'||to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(first_adress,2,1)))||'.'||to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(first_adress,3,1)))||'.'||to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(first_adress,4,1))) first_adress, 
    to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(last_adress,1,1)))||'.'||to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(last_adress,2,1)))||'.'||to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(last_adress,3,1)))||'.'||to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(last_adress,4,1))) last_adress, 
    to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(ip_address,1,1)))||'.'||to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(ip_address,2,1)))||'.'||to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(ip_address,3,1)))||'.'||to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(ip_address,4,1))) ip_address 
from c 

Benvenuto. Potresti migliorare questa risposta spiegando come risolve il problema posto nella domanda. –


The IPAddress Java library sup porta sia IPv4 che IPv6 in modo polimorfico incluse le sottoreti. Il javadoc è disponibile al link. Disclaimer: io sono il project manager.

Tutti i casi d'uso elencati sono supportati sia per IPv4 che per IPv6 in modo trasparente.

String str = ""; 
    IPAddressString addrString = new IPAddressString(str); 
    try { 
     IPAddress addr = addrString.toAddress(); 
     Integer prefix = addr.getNetworkPrefixLength(); //24 
     IPAddress mask = addr.getNetwork().getNetworkMask(prefix, false);// 
     IPAddress networkAddr = addr.mask(mask); // 
     IPAddress networkAddrOtherWay = addr.getLower().removePrefixLength(); // 

    } catch(AddressStringException e) { 
     //e.getMessage provides validation issue 

È disponibile come dipendenza da Maven? –


sarà a breve, aggiornerò la pagina del progetto quando è –


ora lo è, è ora nel repository centrale di Maven: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/github/seancfoley/ipaddress/2.0. 0 / –


riga di comando di Linux ipcalc. È possibile utilizzare rapidamente:

Address:   11000000.10101000.00001010. 00000000 
Netmask: = 24 11111111.11111111.11111111. 00000000 
Wildcard:   00000000.00000000.00000000. 11111111 
Network:  11000000.10101000.00001010. 00000000 
HostMin:   11000000.10101000.00001010. 00000001 
HostMax:  11000000.10101000.00001010. 11111110 
Broadcast:  11000000.10101000.00001010. 11111111 
Hosts/Net: 254     Class C, Private Internet