2011-12-30 6 views

Qualcuno ha integrato Google Documenti nella sua app iOS? Avendo analizzato il codice di esempio, l'API per Google Documenti è molto più complicata di quanto mi sarei aspettato e gli esempi sono tutti MacOS. Sì, c'è il supporto per iOS, ma c'è una netta mancanza di codice di esempio su come usarlo, e la documentazione è piuttosto carente.wrapper Objective-C iOS per Google Documenti

Ho trovato una classe di interfaccia sul Web, ma era basata su una versione obsoleta e obsoleta dell'API di Google Docs e non viene compilata con XCode 4.2.

quello che sto cercando è un'interfaccia in avanti relativamente semplice che permette:

  1. registrazione in/out da un account Google Documenti.
  2. Ottenere un elenco di documenti all'interno di tale account (facoltativamente di un tipo specifico), possibilmente con la possibilità di navigare in una struttura di cartelle.
  3. Essere in grado di scaricare un documento specifico nella memoria locale.
  4. Essere in grado di caricare un documento specifico su Google Documenti.

Ho iniziato a scrivere un'interfaccia simile, ma finora è molto più complicata di quanto avessi permesso. Se qualcuno ha dei suggerimenti o dei campioni su cui possono indirizzarmi, lo apprezzerei molto.

La mia preferenza è che il wrapper sia OS neutro; nel senso che voglio essere in grado di utilizzare la stessa interfaccia sia in MacOS che in iOS. Di nuovo, questo è quello che ho iniziato a scrivere, ma non posso fare a meno di sentire che devo reinventare la ruota qui.



+1, Google ha il codice sorgente terribile. – CodaFi


Eppure a quanto pare segue la guida di stile ... – PKCLsoft



OK, quindi in assenza di risposte da altri, ho morso la pallottola e ha scritto un wrapper me stesso.

Ora ho un singolo wrapper che funziona sia per Mac OS che per iOS che semplifica notevolmente l'interfaccia con Google Docs.

Di seguito è riportato tutto il codice per l'interfaccia effettiva. Tengo a precisare che questa classe agisce come un Singleton, ed è necessario personalizzare leggermente per ogni progetto aggiornando le linee:

#define GOOGLE_DATA_CLIENT_ID @"<client id>.apps.googleusercontent.com" 
#define GOOGLE_DATA_SECRET @"<google data secret>" 
#define GOOGLE_DATA_USERNAME @"googleDocsUsername" 
#define GOOGLE_DATA_PASSWORD @"googleDocsPassword" 

con i valori appropriati si ottiene da Google.

Sottolineo inoltre che la classe memorizza le password tramite NSUserDefaults e utilizza una classe di utilità separata per farlo in modo crittografato. Invece di intasare questa risposta qui con tutti che il codice in più, ho creato un repository in bitbucket a:


che contiene un intero progetto XCode che costruisce due obiettivi, uno per Mac OS e una per iOS. Ho usato quelli entrambi in un'app che si trova nell'app store ora con ottimi risultati. Può darsi che mentre questo progetto si costruisce per me, devi modificarlo per i tuoi scopi. Il progetto contiene un set completo di Google SDK che crea e funziona con il mio codice. L'ho incluso per cercare di ridurre il rischio di incompatibilità con le versioni più recenti dell'SDK per chiunque lo catturi.

Ecco le specifiche di interfaccia nella sua forma attuale:

// GDataInterface.h 
// GDataInterface 
// Some of the code in this class is from the original GData sample code, but it has been 
// enhanced somewhat and made to work on both iOS and MacOS transparently. 
// Created by Peter Easdown on 19/12/11. 
// Copyright (c) 2011 PKCLsoft. All rights reserved. 

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 
#import "GDataDocs.h" 
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> 
#import "GData/GData.h" 

@interface GDataInterfaceTypes 

// This handler is used by methods that have no explicit result. The boolean value indicates 
// the success or failure of the the methods action. 
typedef void (^CompletionHandler)(BOOL successful); 

// This handler is called to update a progress indicator as a file is uploaded. 
typedef void (^UploadProgressHandler)(double min, double max, double value); 

// This handler is called to update a progress indicator as a file is downloaded. 
typedef void (^DownloadProgressHandler)(double min, double max, double value); 


@interface GDataInterface : NSObject { 

    // Needed so that when authenticating under iOS, we can push the google authentication 
    // view, and later pop it. 
    UIViewController *rootController_; 

    GDataFeedDocList *mDocListFeed; 
    GDataServiceTicket *mDocListFetchTicket; 
    NSError *mDocListFetchError; 

    GDataFeedDocRevision *mRevisionFeed; 
    GDataServiceTicket *mRevisionFetchTicket; 
    NSError *mRevisionFetchError; 

    GDataEntryDocListMetadata *mMetadataEntry; 

    GDataServiceTicket *mUploadTicket; 

    id uploadWindow; 
    CompletionHandler uploadCompletionHandler; 

    NSString *username_; 
    NSString *password_; 


// This handler is used when a list of documents has been requested. The results parameter 
// will be nil if the request failed. If successful, then it will contain an array of 
// GDataEntryDocBase objects. 
typedef void (^RetrievalCompletionHandler)(GDataFeedDocList* results, BOOL successful); 

// This handler is used when a document has been downloaded. If something prevented the 
// download from succeeding, then error parameter will be non-nil. 
typedef void (^DocumentDownloadCompletionHandler)(NSData* fileContents, BOOL successful); 

// Initializer that provides the username and password. 
- (id) initWithUsername:(NSString*)username andPassword:(NSString*)password; 

// Returns the shared instance of the class. There will only ever be a single instance 
// of this class. 
+ (GDataInterface*) sharedInstance; 

// Returns YES if currently signed in. 
- (BOOL) isSignedIn; 

// Signs in or out depending on current state, and executes the options completion handler 
// block. The window parameter is used to specify the root viewController object used when 
// displaying login windows via GData, or error dialogs. 
- (void) signInOrOutWithCompletionHandler:(CompletionHandler)handler forWindow:(id)window; 

// Will retrieve a list of documents using the cached connection, and call the specified 
// handler block, providing the list of documents, and a success/fail indication. 
- (void) retrieveDocumentListWithCompletionHandler:(RetrievalCompletionHandler)handler; 

// Will download the file at the specified URL. This is not Google Docs specific and will work 
// for any URL. Be careful not to try and retrieve large files and the result is stored 
// in memory. 
- (void) downloadURL:(NSURL*)url withProgressHandler:(DownloadProgressHandler)progressHandler andCompletionHandler:(DocumentDownloadCompletionHandler)handler; 

// Will download the specified google docs document. 
- (void) downloadDocument:(GDataEntryDocBase*)document withProgressHandler:(DownloadProgressHandler)progressHandler andCompletionHandler:(DocumentDownloadCompletionHandler)handler; 

// Uploads the document entry, optionally updating it with a new revision. 
- (void) uploadEntry:(GDataEntryDocBase*)docEntry asNewRevision:(BOOL)newRevision forWindow:(id)window withProgressHandler:(UploadProgressHandler)progressHandler andCompletionHandler:(CompletionHandler)handler; 

// Uploads the specified file to the authenticated google docs account. 
- (void)uploadFileAtPath:(NSString *)path forWindow:(id)window withProgressHandler:(UploadProgressHandler)progressHandler andCompletionHandler:(CompletionHandler)handler; 

// More for internal use than anything else. Used to determine the mime type based on the google docs class 
// and/or file extension. 
- (void)getMIMEType:(NSString **)mimeType andEntryClass:(Class *)class forExtension:(NSString *)extension; 

// Getter and Setter for username, 
- (void) setUsername:(NSString*)newUsername; 
- (NSString*) username; 

// Getter and Setter for password. The password will be encrypted before storing it in user preferances. 
- (void) setPassword:(NSString*)newPassword; 
- (NSString*) password; 

// Returns the username that google is given for signing in. 
- (NSString *)signedInUsername; 

// Returns a static instance of the docs service. 
+ (GDataServiceGoogleDocs *)docsService; 


E qui è l'implementazione:

// GDataInterface.m 
// GDataInterface 
// Created by Peter Easdown on 19/12/11. 
// Copyright (c) 2011 PKCLsoft. All rights reserved. 

#import "GDataInterface.h" 
#import "Util.h" 
#import "GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch.h" 
#import "GData.h" 
#import "GData/GTMOAuth2WindowController.h" 
//#import "GDataServiceGoogleSpreadsheet.h" 

#define GOOGLE_DATA_CLIENT_ID @"<client id>.apps.googleusercontent.com" 
#define GOOGLE_DATA_SECRET @"<google data secret>" 
#define GOOGLE_DATA_USERNAME @"googleDocsUsername" 
#define GOOGLE_DATA_PASSWORD @"googleDocsPassword" 

@interface GDataInterface (PrivateMethods) 

- (GDataServiceTicket *) uploadTicket; 
- (void) setUploadTicket:(GDataServiceTicket *)ticket; 

- (GDataFeedDocList *)docListFeed; 
- (void)setDocListFeed:(GDataFeedDocList *)feed; 
- (NSError *)docListFetchError; 
- (void)setDocListFetchError:(NSError *)error; 
- (GDataServiceTicket *)docListFetchTicket; 
- (void)setDocListFetchTicket:(GDataServiceTicket *)ticket; 


@implementation GDataInterface 

static NSString *const kKeychainItemName = @"GDataInterface: Google Docs"; 

// Initializer that provides the username and password. 
- (id) initWithUsername:(NSString*)username andPassword:(NSString*)password { 
    self = [super init]; 

    if (self != nil) { 
     username_ = [username retain]; 
     password_ = [password retain]; 
     [[GDataInterface docsService] setUserCredentialsWithUsername:username_ password:password_]; 

    return self; 

- (void) setUsername:(NSString*)newUsername { 
    username_ = [newUsername retain]; 
    [[GDataInterface docsService] setUserCredentialsWithUsername:newUsername password:password_]; 

- (NSString*) username { 
    return username_; 

- (void) setPassword:(NSString*)newPassword { 
    password_ = [newPassword retain]; 
    [[GDataInterface docsService] setUserCredentialsWithUsername:username_ password:newPassword]; 
    [Util setPassword:newPassword forKey:GOOGLE_DATA_PASSWORD]; 

- (NSString*) password { 
    return password_; 

static GDataInterface *shared_instance_; 

// Returns the shared instance of the class. There will only ever be a single instance 
// of this class. 
+ (GDataInterface*) sharedInstance { 
    if (shared_instance_ == nil) { 
     shared_instance_ = [[GDataInterface alloc] initWithUsername:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey:GOOGLE_DATA_USERNAME] andPassword:[Util getPassword:GOOGLE_DATA_PASSWORD]]; 

     // Load the OAuth token from the keychain, if it was previously saved 
     NSString *clientID = GOOGLE_DATA_CLIENT_ID; 
     NSString *clientSecret = GOOGLE_DATA_SECRET; 

     GTMOAuth2Authentication *auth; 

     auth = [GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch authForGoogleFromKeychainForName:kKeychainItemName clientID:clientID clientSecret:clientSecret]; 
     auth = [GTMOAuth2WindowController authForGoogleFromKeychainForName:kKeychainItemName 

     [[GDataInterface docsService] setAuthorizer:auth]; 

    return shared_instance_; 

- (NSString *)signedInUsername { 
    // Get the email address of the signed-in user 
    GTMOAuth2Authentication *auth = [[GDataInterface docsService] authorizer]; 
    BOOL isSignedIn = auth.canAuthorize; 

    if (isSignedIn) { 
     return auth.userEmail; 
    } else { 
     return nil; 

- (BOOL) isSignedIn { 
    return ([self signedInUsername] != nil); 

- (void)runSigninThenInvokeHandler:(CompletionHandler)handler forWindow:(id)window { 
    // Applications should have client ID and client secret strings 
    // hardcoded into the source, but the sample application asks the 
    // developer for the strings 
    NSString *clientID = GOOGLE_DATA_CLIENT_ID; 
    NSString *clientSecret = GOOGLE_DATA_SECRET; 

    // Show the OAuth 2 sign-in controller 
    NSString *scope = [GTMOAuth2Authentication scopeWithStrings: 
         [GDataServiceGoogleDocs authorizationScope], 
         [GDataServiceGoogleSpreadsheet authorizationScope], 

    NSAssert((window != nil), @"window must be a non-nil navigation controller"); 

    GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch *viewController; 
    viewController = [GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch 
         completionHandler:^(GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch *viewController, GTMOAuth2Authentication *auth, NSError *error) { 

          [rootController_ dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]; 
          [rootController_ release]; 
          rootController_ = nil; 

          // callback 
          if (error == nil) { 
           [[GDataInterface docsService] setAuthorizer:auth]; 

           username_ = [self signedInUsername]; 

          } else { 
           NSLog(@"Authentication error: %@", error); 
           NSData *responseData = [[error userInfo] objectForKey:@"data"]; // kGTMHTTPFetcherStatusDataKey 
           if ([responseData length] > 0) { 
            // show the body of the server's authentication failure response 
            NSString *str = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:responseData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease]; 
            NSLog(@"%@", str); 

    // Optional: display some html briefly before the sign-in page loads 
    NSString *html = @"<html><body bgcolor=silver><div align=center>Loading sign-in page...</div></body></html>"; 
    viewController.initialHTMLString = html; 

    // For iOS, window is a navigation controller. 
    rootController_ = [(UIViewController*)window retain]; 
    [rootController_ presentModalViewController:viewController animated:YES]; 

    NSBundle *frameworkBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[GTMOAuth2WindowController class]]; 
    GTMOAuth2WindowController *windowController; 
    windowController = [GTMOAuth2WindowController controllerWithScope:scope 

    [windowController signInSheetModalForWindow:window 
           completionHandler:^(GTMOAuth2Authentication *auth, NSError *error) { 
            // callback 
            if (error == nil) { 
             [[GDataInterface docsService] setAuthorizer:auth]; 
             username_ = [auth userEmail]; 
            } else { 

- (void) signInOrOutWithCompletionHandler:(CompletionHandler)handler forWindow:(id)window { 
    if (![self isSignedIn]) { 
     // Sign in 
     [self runSigninThenInvokeHandler:handler forWindow:window]; 
    } else { 
     // Sign out 
     GDataServiceGoogleDocs *service = [GDataInterface docsService]; 

     [GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch removeAuthFromKeychainForName:kKeychainItemName]; 
     [GTMOAuth2WindowController removeAuthFromKeychainForName:kKeychainItemName]; 

     [service setAuthorizer:nil]; 

- (void) retrieveDocumentListWithCompletionHandler:(RetrievalCompletionHandler)handler { 

    [self setDocListFeed:nil]; 
    [self setDocListFetchError:nil]; 
    [self setDocListFetchTicket:nil]; 

    GDataServiceGoogleDocs *service = [GDataInterface docsService]; 
    GDataServiceTicket *ticket; 

    // Fetching a feed gives us 25 responses by default. We need to use 
    // the feed's "next" link to get any more responses. If we want more than 25 
    // at a time, instead of calling fetchDocsFeedWithURL, we can create a 
    // GDataQueryDocs object, as shown here. 

    NSURL *feedURL = [GDataServiceGoogleDocs docsFeedURL]; 

    GDataQueryDocs *query = [GDataQueryDocs documentQueryWithFeedURL:feedURL]; 
    [query setMaxResults:1000]; 
    [query setShouldShowFolders:NO]; 

    ticket = [service fetchFeedWithQuery:query 
         completionHandler:^(GDataServiceTicket *ticket, GDataFeedBase *feed, NSError *error) { 
          // callback 
          [self setDocListFeed:(GDataFeedDocList *)feed]; 
          [self setDocListFetchError:error]; 
          [self setDocListFetchTicket:nil]; 

          if (handler != nil) { 
           handler((GDataFeedDocList *)feed, (error == nil)); 

    [self setDocListFetchTicket:ticket]; 

- (void) downloadDocument:(GDataEntryDocBase*)document withProgressHandler:(DownloadProgressHandler)progressHandler andCompletionHandler:(DocumentDownloadCompletionHandler)handler { 

    // the content src attribute is used for downloading 
    NSURL *exportURL = [[document content] sourceURL]; 

    if (exportURL != nil) { 
     GDataQuery *query = [GDataQuery queryWithFeedURL:exportURL]; 
     [query addCustomParameterWithName:@"exportFormat" 
     NSURL *downloadURL = [query URL]; 
     // Read the document's contents asynchronously from the network 

     // requestForURL:ETag:httpMethod: sets the user agent header of the 
     // request and, when using ClientLogin, adds the authorization header 
     NSURLRequest *request = [[GDataInterface docsService] requestForURL:downloadURL 

     GTMHTTPFetcher *fetcher = [GTMHTTPFetcher fetcherWithRequest:request]; 
     [fetcher setAuthorizer:[[GDataInterface docsService] authorizer]]; 

     __block double maxSize = 10240.0; 

     if (progressHandler != nil) {    
      [fetcher setReceivedDataBlock:^(NSData *dataReceivedSoFar) { 
       if ([[fetcher response] expectedContentLength] > 0) { 
        maxSize = [[fetcher response] expectedContentLength]; 
       } else if ([dataReceivedSoFar length] > maxSize) { 
        maxSize += 5120.0; 

       progressHandler(0.0, maxSize, (double)[dataReceivedSoFar length]); 

     [fetcher setCommentWithFormat:@"downloading \"%@\"", [[document title] stringValue]]; 
     [fetcher beginFetchWithCompletionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSError *error) { 
      if (progressHandler != nil) { 
       // Update the progress handler with a "complete" progress. 
       progressHandler(0.0, (double)[data length], (double)[data length]); 

      // callback 
      if (error == nil) { 
       // Successfully downloaded the document 
       if (handler != nil) { 
        handler(data, YES); 
      } else { 
       if (handler != nil) { 
        handler(nil, NO); 

- (void) downloadURL:(NSURL*)url withProgressHandler:(DownloadProgressHandler)progressHandler andCompletionHandler:(DocumentDownloadCompletionHandler)handler { 

    NSURL *downloadURL = [url copy]; 
    // Read the document's contents asynchronously from the network 

    NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:downloadURL]; 

    GTMHTTPFetcher *fetcher = [GTMHTTPFetcher fetcherWithRequest:request]; 

    __block double maxSize = 10240.0; 

    if (progressHandler != nil) {    
     [fetcher setReceivedDataBlock:^(NSData *dataReceivedSoFar) { 
      if ([[fetcher response] expectedContentLength] > 0) { 
       maxSize = [[fetcher response] expectedContentLength]; 
      } else if ([dataReceivedSoFar length] > maxSize) { 
       maxSize += 5120.0; 

      progressHandler(0.0, maxSize, (double)[dataReceivedSoFar length]); 

    [fetcher beginFetchWithCompletionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSError *error) { 
     if (progressHandler != nil) { 
      progressHandler(0.0, (double)[data length], (double)[data length]); 

     // callback 
     if (error == nil) { 
      // Successfully downloaded the document 
      if (handler != nil) { 
       handler(data, YES); 
     } else { 
      if (handler != nil) { 
       handler(nil, NO); 

    // Block, waiting for 60 seconds for the download. 
    [fetcher waitForCompletionWithTimeout:60.0]; 

    if ([fetcher isFetching] == YES) { 
     // OK, so this looks like we've timed out waiting for the download to complete. Cancel the 
     // fetch. 
     [fetcher stopFetching]; 

     if (handler != nil) { 
      handler(nil, NO); 

#pragma mark Upload 

- (void)getMIMEType:(NSString **)mimeType andEntryClass:(Class *)class forExtension:(NSString *)extension { 

    // Mac OS X's UTI database doesn't know MIME types for .doc and .xls 
    // so GDataEntryBase's MIMETypeForFileAtPath method isn't helpful here 

    struct MapEntry { 
     NSString *extension; 
     NSString *mimeType; 
     NSString *className; 

    static struct MapEntry sMap[] = { 
     { @"csv", @"text/csv", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"doc", @"application/msword", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"docx", @"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"ods", @"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet", @"GDataEntrySpreadsheetDoc" }, 
     { @"odt", @"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"pps", @"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", @"GDataEntryPresentationDoc" }, 
     { @"ppt", @"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", @"GDataEntryPresentationDoc" }, 
     { @"rtf", @"application/rtf", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"sxw", @"application/vnd.sun.xml.writer", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"txt", @"text/plain", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"xls", @"application/vnd.ms-excel", @"GDataEntrySpreadsheetDoc" }, 
     { @"xlsx", @"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", @"GDataEntrySpreadsheetDoc" }, 
     { @"jpg", @"image/jpeg", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"jpeg", @"image/jpeg", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"png", @"image/png", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"bmp", @"image/bmp", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"gif", @"image/gif", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"html", @"text/html", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"htm", @"text/html", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"tsv", @"text/tab-separated-values", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"tab", @"text/tab-separated-values", @"GDataEntryStandardDoc" }, 
     { @"pdf", @"application/pdf", @"GDataEntryPDFDoc" }, 
     { nil, nil, nil } 

    NSString *lowerExtn = [extension lowercaseString]; 

    for (int idx = 0; sMap[idx].extension != nil; idx++) { 
     if ([lowerExtn isEqual:sMap[idx].extension]) { 
      *mimeType = sMap[idx].mimeType; 
      *class = NSClassFromString(sMap[idx].className); 

    *mimeType = nil; 
    *class = nil; 

- (void) uploadEntry:(GDataEntryDocBase*)docEntry asNewRevision:(BOOL)newRevision forWindow:(id)window withProgressHandler:(UploadProgressHandler)progressHandler andCompletionHandler:(CompletionHandler)handler { 

    uploadWindow = [window retain]; 
    uploadCompletionHandler = [handler copy]; 

    NSURL *uploadURL; 

    if (newRevision == YES) { 
     GDataQueryDocs *query = [GDataQueryDocs queryWithFeedURL:[[docEntry 
                    uploadEditLink] URL]]; 
     [query setShouldCreateNewRevision:YES]; 
     uploadURL = [query URL]; 
    } else { 
     uploadURL = [GDataServiceGoogleDocs docsUploadURL]; 

    // make service tickets call back into our upload progress selector 
    GDataServiceGoogleDocs *service = [GDataInterface docsService]; 
    [service setServiceUploadProgressHandler:^(GDataServiceTicketBase *ticket, unsigned long long numberOfBytesRead, unsigned long long dataLength) { 
     if (progressHandler != nil) { 
      progressHandler(0.0, (double)dataLength, (double)numberOfBytesRead); 

    // insert the entry into the docList feed 
    // to update (replace) an existing entry by uploading a new file, 
    // use the fetchEntryByUpdatingEntry:forEntryURL: with the URL from 
    // the entry's uploadEditLink 
    GDataServiceTicket *ticket; 

    if (newRevision == YES) {   
     ticket = [service fetchEntryByUpdatingEntry:docEntry 
    } else { 
     ticket = [service fetchEntryByInsertingEntry:docEntry 

    [ticket setUploadProgressHandler:^(GDataServiceTicketBase *ticket, unsigned long long numberOfBytesRead, unsigned long long dataLength) { 
     // progress callback 
     if (progressHandler != nil) { 
      progressHandler(0.0, (double)dataLength, (double)numberOfBytesRead); 

    // we turned automatic retry on when we allocated the service, but we 
    // could also turn it on just for this ticket 

    [self setUploadTicket:ticket]; 
    [service setServiceUploadProgressHandler:nil]; 

- (void)uploadFileAtPath:(NSString *)path forWindow:(id)window withProgressHandler:(UploadProgressHandler)progressHandler andCompletionHandler:(CompletionHandler)handler { 

    NSString *errorMsg = nil; 

    // make a new entry for the file 

    NSString *mimeType = nil; 
    Class entryClass = nil; 

    NSString *extn = [path pathExtension]; 
    [self getMIMEType:&mimeType andEntryClass:&entryClass forExtension:extn]; 

    if (!mimeType) { 
     // for other file types, see if we can get the type from the Mac OS 
     // and use a generic file document entry class 
     mimeType = [GDataUtilities MIMETypeForFileAtPath:path 
     entryClass = [GDataEntryFileDoc class]; 

    if (mimeType && entryClass) { 

     GDataEntryDocBase *newEntry = [entryClass documentEnt 

Ciao, C'è qualche riferimento o URL che posso ottenere maggiori informazioni sull'implementazione? Ho anche bisogno di tale wrapper o SDK per Google Documenti da iOS. Thx – SkyEagle888


Devo ripetere il test su MacOS, ma a parte questo funziona davvero bene. Vedrò di lucidarlo un po 'e metterlo su Github. – PKCLsoft


Sarei ** molto ** interessato anche a questo! – lnafziger