2013-07-25 1 views

Sto cercando di ottenere un valore da una stringa JSON, ma sto ottenendo invece un valore nullo.Come ottenere un valore da una stringa JSON utilizzando la libreria di jackson?


package JsonExample1; 

import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; 
import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper; 

import java.io.IOException; 
import java.io.StringReader; 

public class App2 { 

    private JsonNode rootNode; 

    public void setup() throws IOException { 
     String jsonString = "{\n" + 
       "    \"HotelListResponse\" : {\n" + 
       "     \"customerSessionId\" : \"0ABAAA7A-90C9-7491-3FF2-7E2C37496CA2\",\n" + 
       "     \"numberOfRoomsRequested\" : 1,\n" + 
       "     \"moreResultsAvailable\" : true,\n" + 
       "     \"cacheKey\" : \"7790c974:13ff7e2c374:6ccd\",\n" + 
       "     \"cacheLocation\" : \"\",\n" + 
       "     \"HotelList\" : {\n" + 
       "      \"@activePropertyCount\" : \"223\",\n" + 
       "      \"@size\" : \"1\",\n" + 
       "      \"HotelSummary\" : {\n" + 
       "       \"@order\" : \"0\",\n" + 
       "       \"hotelId\" : 125727,\n" + 
       "       \"name\" : \"Red Lion Hotel on Fifth Avenue\",\n" + 
       "       \"address1\" : \"1415 5th Ave\",\n" + 
       "       \"city\" : \"Seattle\",\n" + 
       "       \"stateProvinceCode\" : \"WA\",\n" + 
       "       \"postalCode\" : 98101,\n" + 
       "       \"countryCode\" : \"US\",\n" + 
       "       \"airportCode\" : \"SEA\",\n" + 
       "       \"supplierType\" : \"E\",\n" + 
       "       \"hotelRating\" : 3.5,\n" + 
       "       \"propertyCategory\" : 1,\n" + 
       "       \"confidenceRating\" : 90,\n" + 
       "       \"amenityMask\" : 7847938,\n" + 
       "       \"tripAdvisorRating\" : 4,\n" + 
       "       \"locationDescription\" : \"Near Pike Place Market\",\n" + 
       "       \"shortDescription\" : \"<p><b>Location. </b> <br />Red Lion Hotel on Fifth Avenue is located close to 5th Avenue Theater, Pike Place Market, and Washington State Convention & Trade Center. Additional points of interest\",\n" + 
       "       \"highRate\" : 149,\n" + 
       "       \"lowRate\" : 126.65,\n" + 
       "       \"rateCurrencyCode\" : \"USD\",\n" + 
       "       \"latitude\" : 47.60985,\n" + 
       "       \"longitude\" : -122.33475,\n" + 
       "       \"proximityDistance\" : 11.168453,\n" + 
       "       \"proximityUnit\" : \"MI\",\n" + 
       "       \"hotelInDestination\" : true,\n" + 
       "       \"thumbNailUrl\" : \"/hotels/1000000/60000/51000/50947/50947_180_t.jpg\",\n" + 
       "       \"deepLink\" : \"http://travel.ian.com/index.jsp?pageName=hotAvail&cid=55505&hotelID=125727&mode=2&numberOfRooms=1&room-0-adult-total=2&room-0-child-total=0&arrivalMonth=8&arrivalDay=4&departureMonth=8&departureDay=5&showInfo=true&locale=en_US&currencyCode=USD\",\n" + 
       "       \"RoomRateDetailsList\" : {\n" + 
       "        \"RoomRateDetails\" : {\n" + 
       "         \"roomTypeCode\" : 253461,\n" + 
       "         \"rateCode\" : 201054304,\n" + 
       "         \"maxRoomOccupancy\" : 2,\n" + 
       "         \"quotedRoomOccupancy\" : 2,\n" + 
       "         \"minGuestAge\" : 0,\n" + 
       "         \"roomDescription\" : \"Classic Single Queen\",\n" + 
       "         \"promoId\" : 202161947,\n" + 
       "         \"promoDescription\" : \"Summer Sale! Save 15%\",\n" + 
       "         \"currentAllotment\" : 0,\n" + 
       "         \"propertyAvailable\" : true,\n" + 
       "         \"propertyRestricted\" : false,\n" + 
       "         \"expediaPropertyId\" : 50947,\n" + 
       "         \"rateKey\" : \"0ABAAA7A-90C9-7491-3FF2-7E2C37496CCE\",\n" + 
       "         \"RateInfo\" : {\n" + 
       "          \"@rateChange\" : \"false\",\n" + 
       "          \"@promo\" : \"true\",\n" + 
       "          \"@priceBreakdown\" : \"true\",\n" + 
       "          \"ChargeableRateInfo\" : {\n" + 
       "           \"@total\" : \"151.23\",\n" + 
       "           \"@surchargeTotal\" : \"24.58\",\n" + 
       "           \"@nightlyRateTotal\" : \"126.65\",\n" + 
       "           \"@maxNightlyRate\" : \"126.65\",\n" + 
       "           \"@currencyCode\" : \"USD\",\n" + 
       "           \"@commissionableUsdTotal\" : \"126.65\",\n" + 
       "           \"@averageRate\" : \"126.65\",\n" + 
       "           \"@averageBaseRate\" : \"149.0\",\n" + 
       "           \"NightlyRatesPerRoom\" : {\n" + 
       "            \"@size\" : \"1\",\n" + 
       "            \"NightlyRate\" : {\n" + 
       "             \"@promo\" : \"true\",\n" + 
       "             \"@rate\" : \"126.65\",\n" + 
       "             \"@baseRate\" : \"149.0\"\n" + 
       "            }\n" + 
       "           },\n" + 
       "           \"Surcharges\" : {\n" + 
       "            \"@size\" : \"1\",\n" + 
       "            \"Surcharge\" : {\n" + 
       "             \"@amount\" : \"24.58\",\n" + 
       "             \"@type\" : \"TaxAndServiceFee\"\n" + 
       "            }\n" + 
       "           }\n" + 
       "          }\n" + 
       "         },\n" + 
       "         \"ValueAdds\" : {\n" + 
       "          \"@size\" : \"1\",\n" + 
       "          \"ValueAdd\" : {\n" + 
       "           \"@id\" : \"2048\",\n" + 
       "           \"description\" : \"Free Wireless Internet\"\n" + 
       "          }\n" + 
       "         }\n" + 
       "        }\n" + 
       "       }\n" + 
       "      }\n" + 
       "     }\n" + 
       "    }\n" + 
       "   }"; 

     rootNode = new ObjectMapper().readTree(new StringReader(jsonString)); 

    //other methods 
    public void basicTreeModelRead() 
     //Just like DOM, our data is in a hierarchy of node (in this case, it is JsonNode) 
     JsonNode aField = rootNode.get("customerSessionId"); 

     //the customerSessionId has a String value 
     String myString = aField.asText(); 

     System.out.println("customerSessionId is:" + myString); 


package JsonExample1; 

import java.io.IOException; 

public class StartHere { 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 

     App2 myApp = new App2(); 
     try { 
     } catch (IOException e) { 
      e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. 



dopo il debug ho trovato che il valore lontano rimane nullo. Qualche idea?


Il nodo radice non hai 'customerSessionId', ha un' HotelListResponse'. Prendi quello prima. –


Come posso farlo? – skiabox



Il nodo radice non ha customerSessionId, ha un numero HotelListResponse. Prendi quello prima.

//other methods 
public void basicTreeModelRead() 
    JsonNode innerNode = rootNode.get("HotelListResponse"); // Get the only element in the root node 
    // get an element in that node 
    JsonNode aField = innerNode.get("customerSessionId"); 

    //the customerSessionId has a String value 
    String myString = aField.asText(); 

    System.out.println("customerSessionId is:" + myString); 

Questo stampa

customerSessionId is:0ABAAA7A-90C9-7491-3FF2-7E2C37496CA2 

Risposta impressionante e veloce ... btw se uso toString() invece di asText() ottengo lo stesso risultato esatto? – skiabox


@skiabox Il valore del campo sarà quotato se si usa 'toString()'. Potresti provarlo :). Mh variese. –