2016-01-30 12 views

I have an Angular application that stores JWT tokens in localstorage to provide authentication. What I want to do is figure out how to grab this JWT token and insert it into an HTTP GET request, that renders as a completely new web page (NOT a returned object from an XMLHTTP request that displays in the same page...).Come faccio a modificare l'intestazione di autorizzazione di una richiesta HTTP GET proveniente da un collegamento ipertestuale (<a href> tag)

Is this possible? The only way I've found to do something similar would be to use basic HTTP authorization, such as:

username:[email protected]

And I'm assuming I could pass in my entire JWT there.

I'm using Express.js to handle routing on my Node.js backend.



Simply readout the JWT from your locale storage and then insert the JWT to the Authorization Header or you could add it as a GET parameter.

I would recommend the header.

On the next side simple read the JWT out.

If the processing is needed on all pages of the express instance, do it in the express-middleware.


If you want to use a normal link you must use a parameter like ?auth_token=12345.

To add it was a header you can use $http and use a method in your controller. For example:


$scope.openLink = function() { 
    var config = { 
     headers: { 
      'Authorization': '12345', 

    $http.get("<your url>", config); 


<a href="#" ng-click="openLink()">Test</a> 

Shielding Admin Interface

To be secure you should add roles in your api and only allow the administration relevant calls for administrators and also check on angular side if the user is allowed to open the UI with the role the user has. For angular there are a few acl modules like: github.com/mikemclin/angular-acl


Questo è esattamente quello che sto cercando di fare. Come si inserisce il token nell'intestazione? – Leif


che il comando è lo standard $ http modulo che apre una richiesta XMLHTTP e restituisce un oggetto, correggere? Voglio un collegamento regolare a una pagina completamente nuova. Vorrei evitare di inserirlo nell'URL come parametro "?" se possibile – Leif


è possibile 't impostare un campo di intestazione con un collegamento regolare –