Attualmente sto usando il seguente codice da this tutorial per dividere automaticamente il contenuto del post di WordPress in 2 colonne. Tuttavia, come dovrei cambiare questo codice per produrre 3 colonne invece di solo 2? CodiceDividi automaticamente il contenuto del post WordPress in 3 colonne?

functions.php: codice

function content_split($text, $separator = '<hr/>', $start = false) { 

if ($start === false) { 
$start = strlen($text)/2; 

$lastSpace = false; 
$split = substr($text, 0, $start - 1); 

// if the text is split at a good breaking point already. 
if (in_array(substr($text, $start - 1, 1), array(' ', '.', '!', '?'))) { 

$split .= substr($text, $start, 1); 
// Calculate when we should start the split 
$trueStart = strlen($split); 

// find a good point to break the text. 
} else { 

$split = substr($split, 0, $start - strlen($separator)); 
$lastSpace = strrpos($split, ' '); 

if ($lastSpace !== false) { 
$split = substr($split, 0, $lastSpace); 
if (in_array(substr($split, -1, 1), array(','))) { 
$split = substr($split, 0, -1); 

// Calculate when we should start the split 
$trueStart = strlen($split); 
//now we know when to split the text 
return substr_replace($text, $separator, $trueStart, 0); 



<div class="first-column my-column"> 
<?php $text = get_the_content(); $separator = '</div><div class="second-column my-column">'; echo apply_filters('the_content', content_split($text,$separator)); ?> 


function content_split($text, $separator = '<hr/>') { 

    $string = ''; 
    $start = ceil(strlen($text)/3); 

    $string.= substr($text,0,$start); 
    $string.= $separator; 
    $string.= substr($text,$start,$start); 
    $string.= $separator; 
    $string.= substr($text,($start*2),$start); 

    return $string; 

funzionato come un fascino, grazie! –