2016-01-30 24 views

Il linguaggio Swift ha un fantastico supporto per enum. Non solo è possibile definire un enum standard con i casi, ma i casi possono avere valori opzionali "associati ad essi".Come implementare le enumerazioni di tipo Swift con i valori associati in JavaScript?

Ad esempio, preso dalla documentazione Swift:

enum Barcode { 
    case UPCA(Int, Int, Int, Int) 
    case QRCode(String) 
    case Other 

tale che si potrebbe creare un enum barre passando un valore, in questo modo:

var productBarcode = Barcode.UPCA(8, 85909, 51226, 3)

e anche switch sulla productBarcode in una data successiva per recuperare il valore associato (una tupla di int s).

mi hanno cercato di implementare questo tipo di sistema enum in JavaScript (ES5, in particolare), ma sto colpire un muro. Qual è il modo migliore per strutturare un sistema enum, specialmente uno con valori associati?


L'uomo, ho avuto problemi facendo la stessa cosa. Li amo in Swift, ma ho bisogno di loro in JavaScript! – boztalay



Questo non è esattamente il modo in cui le enumerazioni funzionano nella maggior parte delle lingue che conosco. Di solito sono più come un modo per digitare un valore come uno di questi stati. Come selezionare un valore da un insieme di valori possibili. E per garantire la sicurezza del tipo nel fare ciò, a differenza degli interi semplici.

Quello che hai postato nel tuo codice, chiamerei un oggetto semplice con i metodi di fabbrica.

Dal momento che non sono supportati in questo modo dalla lingua, è necessario implementarli in un modo che soddisfi al meglio le tue esigenze. Quindi riassumi quale comportamento ti aspetti.

Nel frattempo un'Implementazione basata sulle descrizioni che ho trovato su enumerazioni rapide. spero che si avvicini a quello che ti aspetti:

var odp = { 

    //two helper with Object.defineProperty. 
    value: function(obj, prop, v, flags){ 
     this.configurable = Boolean(flags & odp.CONFIGURABLE); 
     this.writable = Boolean(flags & odp.WRITABLE); 
     this.enumerable = Boolean(flags & odp.ENUMERABLE); 
     this.value = v; 
     Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, this); 
     this.value = null; //v may be a function or an object: remove the reference 
     return obj; 
    }.bind({ //caching the basic definition 
     value: null, 
     configurable: false, 
     writable: false, 
     enumerable: false 

    accessor: function(obj, prop, getter, setter){ 
     this.get = getter || undefined; 
     this.set = setter || undefined; 
     Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, this); 
     this.get = null; 
     this.set = null; 
     return obj; 
    }.bind({ get: null, set: null }) 
//make these values immutable 
odp.value(odp, "CONFIGURABLE", 1, odp.ENUMERABLE); 
odp.value(odp, "WRITABLE", 2, odp.ENUMERABLE); 
odp.value(odp, "ENUMERABLE", 4, odp.ENUMERABLE); 

//1. I don't f*** care wether the keys on the definition are own or inherited keys. 
//since you pass them to me, I suppose you want me to process them. 

//2. If i find some undefined-value i ignore it, as if it wasn't there. 
//use null to represent some "empty" value 

//name and extendProto are optional 
function Enum(name, description, extendProto){ 
    var n = name, d = description, xp=extendProto; 
    if(n && typeof n === "object") xp=d, d = n, n = null; 
    var xpf = typeof xp === "function" && xp; 
    var xpo = typeof xp === "object" && xp; 

    function type(){ 
     throw new Error("enums are not supposed to be created manually"); 

    //abusing filter() as forEach() 
    //removing the keys that are undefined in the same step. 
    var keys = Object.keys(d).filter(function(key){ 
     var val = d[key]; 
     if(val === undefined) return false; 
     var proto = Object.create(type.prototype); 

     //your chance to extend the particular prototype with further properties 
     //like adding the prototype-methods of some other type 
     var props = xpf || xpo && xpo[key]; 
     if(typeof props === "function") 
      props = props.call(type, proto, key, val); 

     if(props && typeof props === "object" && props !== proto && props !== val){ 
      var flags = odp.CONFIGURABLE+odp.WRITABLE; 
      for(var k in props) props[k]===undefined || odp.value(proto, k, props[k], flags); 
      if("length" in props) odp.value(props, "length", props.length, flags); 

     if(typeof val === "function"){ 
      //a factory and typedefinition at the same type 
      //call this function to create a new object of the type of this enum 
      //and of the type of this function at the same time 
      type[key] = function(){ 
       var me = Object.create(proto); 
       var props = val.apply(me, arguments); 
       if(props && typeof props === "object" && props !== me){ 
        for(var k in props) props[k]===undefined || odp.value(me, k, props[k], odp.ENUMERABLE); 
        if("length" in props) odp.value(me, "length", props.length); 
       return me; 
      //fix the fn.length-property for this factory 
      odp.value(type[key], "length", val.length, odp.CONFIGURABLE); 

      //change the name of this factory 
      odp.value(type[key], "name", (n||"enum")+"{ "+key+" }" || key, odp.CONFIGURABLE); 

      type[key].prototype = proto; 
      odp.value(proto, "constructor", type[key], odp.CONFIGURABLE); 

     }else if(val && typeof val === "object"){ 
      for(var k in val) val[k] === undefined || odp.value(proto, k, val[k]); 
      if("length" in val) odp.value(proto, "length", val.length); 
      type[key] = proto; 

      //an object of the type of this enum that wraps the primitive 
      //a bit like the String or Number or Boolean Classes 

      //so remember, when dealing with this kind of values, 
      //you don't deal with actual primitives 
      odp.value(proto, "valueOf", function(){ return val; });  
      type[key] = proto; 


     return true; 

    odp.value(type, "name", n || "enum[ " + keys.join(", ") + " ]", odp.CONFIGURABLE); 

    return type; 

Attenzione, questo codice potrebbe richiedere ulteriori modifiche. Esempi:


function uint(v){ return v>>>0 } 

var Barcode = Enum("Barcode", { 
    QRCode: function(string){ 
     //this refers to an object of both types, Barcode and Barcode.QRCode 
     //aou can modify it as you wish 
     odp.value(this, "valueOf", function(){ return string }, true); 

    UPCA: function(a,b,c,d){ 
     //you can also return an object with the properties you want to add 
     //and Arrays, ... 
     return [ 
     //but beware, this doesn't add the Array.prototype-methods!!! 

     //event this would work, and be processed like an Array 
     return arguments; 

    Other: function(properties){ 
     return properties; //some sugar 

var productBarcode = Barcode.UPCA(8, 85909, 51226, 3); 
console.log("productBarcode is Barcode:", productBarcode instanceof Barcode); //true 
console.log("productBarcode is Barcode.UPCA:", productBarcode instanceof Barcode.UPCA); //true 

console.log("productBarcode is Barcode.Other:", productBarcode instanceof Barcode.Other); //false 

console.log("accessing values: ", productBarcode[0], productBarcode[1], productBarcode[2], productBarcode[3], productBarcode.length); 

Array.prototype.forEach.call(productBarcode, function(value, index){ 
    console.log("index:", index, " value:", value); 

oggetti e primitive

var indices = Enum({ 
    lo: { from: 0, to: 13 }, 
    hi: { from: 14, to: 42 }, 

    avg: 7 

var lo = indices.lo; 
console.log("lo is a valid index", lo instanceof indices); 
console.log("lo is indices.lo", lo === indices.lo); 
//indices.lo always references the same Object 
//no function-call, no getter! 

var avg = indices.avg; //beware, this is no primitive, it is wrapped 

console.log("avg is a valid index", avg instanceof indices); 
console.log("comparison against primitives:"); 
console.log(" - typesafe", avg === 7); //false, since avg is wrapped!!! 
console.log(" - loose", avg == 7); //true 
console.log(" - typecast+typesafe", Number(avg) === 7); //true 

//possible usage like it was a primitive. 
for(var i=lo.from; i<lo.to; ++i){ 
    console.log(i, i == avg); //take a look at the first output ;) 

//but if you want to use some of the prototype methods 
//(like the correct toString()-method on Numbers, or substr on Strings) 
//make sure that you have a proper primitive! 

var out = avg.toFixed(3); 
//will fail since this object doesn't provide the prototype-methods of Number 

//+avg does the same as Number(avg) 
var out = (+avg).toFixed(3); //will succeed 


var def = { foo: 42 }; 

var obj = Enum({ 
    a: 13, 
    b: 13, 
    c: 13, 

    obj1: def, 
    obj2: def 

//although all three have/represent the same value, they ain't the same 
var v = obj.a; 
console.log("testing a", v === obj.a, v === obj.b, v===obj.c); //true, false, false 

var v = obj.b; 
console.log("testing a", v === obj.a, v === obj.b, v===obj.c); //false, true, false 

var v = obj.c; 
console.log("testing a", v === obj.a, v === obj.b, v===obj.c); //false, false, true 

console.log("comparing objects", obj.obj1 === obj.obj2); //false 
console.log("comparing property foo", obj.obj1.foo === obj.obj2.foo); //true 

//same for the values provided by the factory-functions: 
console.log("compare two calls with the same args:"); 
console.log("Barcode.Other() === Barcode.Other()", Barcode.Other() === Barcode.Other()); 
//will fail, since the factory doesn't cache, 
//every call creates a new Object instance. 
//if you need to check wether they are equal, write a function that does that. 


//your chance to extend the prototype of each subordinated entry in the enum 
//maybe you want to add some method from some other prototype 
//like String.prototype or iterator-methods, or a method for equality-checking, ... 

var Barcode = Enum("Barcode", {/* factories */}, function(proto, key, value){ 
    var _barcode = this;  
    //so you can access the enum in closures, without the need for a "global" variable. 
    //but if you mess around with this, you are the one to debug the Errors you produce. 

    //this function is executed right after the prototpe-object for this enum-entry is created 
    //and before any further modification. 
    //neither this particular entry, nor the enum itself are done yet, so don't mess around with them. 

    //the only purpose of this method is to provide you a hook 
    //to add further properties to the proto-object 

    //aou can also return an object with properties to add to the proto-object. 
    //these properties will be added as configurable and writable but not enumerable. 
    //and no getter or setter. If you need more control, feel free to modify proto on you own. 
    return { 
     isBarcode: function(){ 
      return this instanceof _barcode; 

//OR you can define it for every single property, 
//so you don't have to switch on the different properties in one huge function 
var Barcode = Enum("Barcode", {/* factories */}, { 
    "UPCA": function(proto, key, value){ 
     //same behaviour as the universal function 
     //but will be executed only for the proto of UPCA 

     var _barcode = this; //aka Barcode in this case 
     var AP = []; 
     return { 
      //copy map and indexOf from the Array prototype 
      map: AP.map, 
      indexOf: AP.indexOf, 

      //and add a custom toString and clone-method to the prototype 
      toString: function(){ 
       return "UPCA[ "+AP.join.call(this, ", ")+" ]"; 
      clone: function(){ 
       return _barcode.UPCA.apply(null, this); 

    "QRCode": { 
     //or simply define an object that contains the properties/methods 
     //that should be added to the proto of QRCode 
     //again configurable and writable but not enumerable 

     substr: String.prototype.substr, 
     substring: String.prototype.substring, 
     charAt: String.prototype.charAt, 
     charCodeAt: String.prototype.charCodeAt 
//mixin-functions and objects can be mixed