Carichi di modi:
str = 'the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plane'
spaceInd = strfind(str, ' '); % assume a word is preceded by a space
startWordInd = spaceInd+1; % words start 1 char after a space
startWordInd = [1, startWordInd]; % manually add the first word
capsStr = upper(str);
newStr = str;
newStr(startWordInd) = capsStr(startWordInd)
Altro elegante/complesso - gli array di celle, textscan e cellfun sono molto utili per questo tipo di cose:
str = 'the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plane'
function newStr = capitals(str)
words = textscan(str,'%s','delimiter',' '); % assume a word is preceded by a space
words = words{1};
newWords = cellfun(@my_fun_that_capitalizes, words, 'UniformOutput', false);
newStr = [newWords{:}];
function wOut = my_fun_that_capitalizes(wIn)
wOut = [wIn ' ']; % add the space back that we used to split upon
if numel(wIn)>1
wOut(1) = upper(wIn(1));
Sarebbe possibile accettare una delle risposte, grazie. – Morgan