2012-11-23 6 views

Ho lavorato a una classe di template elenco collegato per fare la stessa cosa con una varietà di variabili e sono riuscito a risolvere la maggior parte dei problemi. Tranne quando compilo, ottengo questi:Errori di tipo "classe" C++

g++ -Wall -o template_test template_test.cpp 
In file included from template_test.cpp:1:0: 
LinkedList.h:50:11: error: declaration of ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:7:11: error: shadows template parm ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:51:30: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
LinkedList.h:8:7: error: declaration of ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
LinkedList.h:56:11: error: declaration of ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:7:11: error: shadows template parm ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:57:51: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
LinkedList.h:8:7: error: declaration of ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
LinkedList.h:92:11: error: declaration of ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:7:11: error: shadows template parm ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:93:31: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
LinkedList.h:8:7: error: declaration of ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
LinkedList.h:102:11: error: declaration of ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:7:11: error: shadows template parm ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:103:34: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
LinkedList.h:8:7: error: declaration of ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
LinkedList.h:119:11: error: declaration of ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:7:11: error: shadows template parm ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:120:48: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
LinkedList.h:8:7: error: declaration of ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
LinkedList.h:158:11: error: declaration of ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:7:11: error: shadows template parm ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:159:37: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
LinkedList.h:8:7: error: declaration of ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
LinkedList.h:193:11: error: declaration of ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:7:11: error: shadows template parm ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:194:34: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
LinkedList.h:8:7: error: declaration of ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
LinkedList.h:210:11: error: declaration of ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:7:11: error: shadows template parm ‘class Type’ 
LinkedList.h:211:34: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
LinkedList.h:8:7: error: declaration of ‘class LinkedList<Type>’ 
make: *** [template_test] Error 1 

Dice più o meno la stessa cosa per ogni funzione template che ho. Qualcuno può decifrare per me cosa significano questi messaggi, cosa sta causando al compilatore di lanciare questi messaggi, e come posso risolvere questo problema? Sarò riletto, e possibile riscrivere il mio codice nel frattempo.
Il mio codice è il seguente:

#include <string> 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

template <class Type> 
class LinkedList{ 

* default constructor and a copy constructor that creates a copy 
* of the given object*/ 
LinkedList(); //default construtor 
LinkedList(const LinkedList& lst); //copy constructor 

void add(Type data); 

void insertAt(int pos, Type data); 

bool remove(Type data); 

void removeAll(); 

void printList(); 

template <class Type> 
head = NULL; 
size = 0; //Don't forget to do this!!! 

template <class Type> 
LinkedList<Type>::LinkedList(const LinkedList& lst){ 
if (lst.head == NULL){ 
    head = NULL; 
    size = 0; 
    head = new Node; 
    head->data = lst.head->data; 
    Node *pNewNode = head; 
    Node *pOldNode = lst.head->next; 
    while (pOldNode != NULL){ 
     pNewNode->next = new Node; 
     pNewNode = pNewNode->next; 
     pNewNode->data = pOldNode->data;; 
     pOldNode = pOldNode->next; 
    pNewNode->next = NULL; 
    size = lst.size; 

template <class Type> 

template <class Type> 
void LinkedList<Type>::add(Type x){ 
Node *p = new Node; //temporary node 
// Assign appropriate values to the new node 
p -> data = x; 
p -> next = head; 
// Make the head point to the new node 
head = p; 

template <class Type> 
void LinkedList<Type>::insertAt(int pos, Type x){ 
Node *p; 
Node *newNode; 

// Check that pos is a valid index 
if (pos <= size){ 
    newNode = new Node; //new node 
    newNode->data = x; 

    // Deal with case when item is to be inserted at the head of the list 
    if (pos == 0){ 
     newNode->next = head; 
     head = newNode; 
    }// if(pos == 0) 
     p = head; 
     // Move to position BEFORE insertion point 
     for(int i = 0; i < pos-1; i++){ 
      // Check that p points to a node 
      // Note using exception handling should throw an exception   
      if(p == NULL){ 
      p = p->next; 
     // Insert node 
     newNode->next = p->next; 
     p->next = newNode; 
    }//else (pos != 0) 
}//else (pos >= size) do nothing 

template <class Type> 
bool LinkedList<Type>::remove(Type x){ 
Node *p = head; 
Node *temp; 
if (head == NULL){ 
    return false; 
else if (head->data == x){ 
    head = head->next; 
    delete p; //currently assigned head 
    return true; 
    while(p->next != NULL){ 
     // Check next node for target 
     if(p->next->data == x){ 
      temp = p->next; 
      p->next = p->next->next; 
      delete temp; 
      return true; 
     p = p->next; 
return false; 

template <class Type> 
void LinkedList<Type>::removeAll(){ 
Node *p = head; 
// Traverse the list deleting nodes 
while (p!= NULL){ 
    head = head->next; // Mustn't "lose" the next node 
    delete p; // De-allocate memory 
    p = head; // Go to next node 
head = NULL; 
size = 0; 

template <class Type> 
void LinkedList<Type>::printList(){ 
Node *p = head; 
cout << "["; //Nice format! 
// Traverse the list 
while (p != NULL){ 
    cout << p -> data; // Print data 
    p = p -> next; // Go to next node 
    if (p != NULL){ 
     cout << ","; // Print a comma unless at the end of the list 
cout << "]"; // Don't print a newline - it might not be wanted 

struct Node { 
    Type data; //list data 
    Node *next; //pointer to next item in the list 

Node *head; //Pointer to the first node in the list 
int size; //Records the number of nodes in the list 



Si sta utilizzando la sintassi per definire una funzione di membro al di fuori del campo di applicazione di una classe all'interno una classe. Questo non funziona.

Questo dovrebbe farlo:

template<typename X> 
class Foo { 
    void f(); 
}; // notice end of class scope here 

template<typename X> 
void Foo<X>::f() { 
    // impl 

Ah! Vedo, dovrei chiudere l'intestazione della classe dell'elenco collegato prima di iniziare a inserire la "carne". Devo includere la parte privata: anche nella portata della classe prima della "carne"? – user1846359