2016-05-25 28 views

Ho scaricato Google Cloud SDK per python su Ubuntu. (https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/quickstart-linux#before-you-begin)Non posso avviare Google Cloud SDK su Ubuntu

Poi ho seguito i passi dalla pagina, ma quando corro

gcloud init 

ottengo questo

Could not setup log file in /home/ariel/.config/gcloud/logs, (IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/ariel/.config/gcloud/logs/2016.05.25/') Welcome! This command will take you through the configuration of gcloud.

ERROR: (gcloud.init) Failed to create the default configuration. Ensure your have the correct permissions on: [/home/ariel/.config/gcloud/configurations]. Could not create directory [/home/ariel/.config/gcloud/configurations]: Permission denied.

Please verify that you have permissions to write to the parent directory.

PS: poi ho trovato questo altro file https://cloud.google.com/appengine/downloads#Google_App_Engine_SDK_for_Python (sembra per essere lo stesso ma è 40.2 MB e quello che ho usato era 7,5 MB)

Grazie! Ariel



L'utente gcbirzan ha risposto alle mie domande in un canale IRC (che consiglio), è #appengine su irc.freenode.net

Ho dovuto correre questo:

sudo chown ariel -R /home/ariel/.config/gcloud 

lascio anche la trascrizione della chat qui:

[14:12] Q: Hello

[14:13] Q: I am just beggining with app engine, and for instance, anyone could tell me what is the difference between this file((https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/quickstart-linux#before-you-begin)) and this one ((https://cloud.google.com/appengine/downloads#Google_App_Engine_SDK_for_Python)) (seems to be the same but it is 40.2MB and the one I used was 7.5MB)

[14:15] A: Google cloud sdk is gcloud and friends, you need it for flex and other google cloud platform stuff.

[14:15] A: The appengine sdk is the one that comes with a local dev server and all the other stuff, and is probably what you want

[14:15] A: well. go wild, get both

[14:16] Q: ok

[14:16] Q: thanks

[14:16] Q: and could you please help me with this ? I cant init Google Cloud SDK on Ubuntu

[14:17] A: sudo chown ariel -R /home/ariel/.config/gcloud

[14:19] Q: it works !


Ho avuto lo stesso problema. Sembra un bug nella loro installazione, per lasciare la mia directory di configurazione come solo root – nealmcb


Ottimo lavoro, Ariel! –