Ora sto utilizzando quello Steve Sanderson fatto in his blog ed è molto bello:
public class ActionOutputCacheAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
// This hack is optional; I'll explain it later in the blog post
private static readonly MethodInfo _switchWriterMethod = typeof (HttpResponse).GetMethod("SwitchWriter",
BindingFlags.Instance |
private readonly int _cacheDuration;
private string _cacheKey;
private TextWriter _originalWriter;
public ActionOutputCacheAttribute(int cacheDuration)
_cacheDuration = cacheDuration;
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
_cacheKey = ComputeCacheKey(filterContext);
var cachedOutput = (string) filterContext.HttpContext.Cache[_cacheKey];
if (cachedOutput != null)
filterContext.Result = new ContentResult {Content = cachedOutput};
_originalWriter =
new object[] {new HtmlTextWriter(new StringWriter())});
public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
if (_originalWriter != null) // Must complete the caching
var cacheWriter =
_switchWriterMethod.Invoke(HttpContext.Current.Response, new object[] {_originalWriter});
string textWritten = (cacheWriter.InnerWriter).ToString();
filterContext.HttpContext.Cache.Add(_cacheKey, textWritten, null,
DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(_cacheDuration), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration,
CacheItemPriority.Normal, null);
private string ComputeCacheKey(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var keyBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var pair in filterContext.RouteData.Values)
keyBuilder.AppendFormat("rd{0}_{1}_", pair.Key.GetHashCode(), pair.Value.GetHashCode());
foreach (var pair in filterContext.ActionParameters)
keyBuilder.AppendFormat("ap{0}_{1}_", pair.Key.GetHashCode(), pair.Value.GetHashCode());
return keyBuilder.ToString();
Si prega di visitare Steve Sanderson blog's article per ulteriori informazioni.
2010-10-04 12:45:45
Tu l'uomo Phil, sapevo che doveva esserci una soluzione elegante. Grazie! –
Questo bug è stato risolto in V2? – CVertex
@CVertex no. Questo problema verrà risolto in V3, lavorando con il motore di visualizzazione Razor? – stacker