Ho provato a utilizzare le risposte e i commenti sopra riportati per prendere una piega in questa implementazione.
Ho anche posteds un progetto GWT di esempio che può essere utilizzato per un facile confronto:
prega di notare che vi sarà solo in grado di vedere il tempo risparmiato, se siete su un dispositivo mobile (o sui dispositivi che gestiscono gli eventi touch e non ricade semplicemente su onClick).
Ho aggiunto 3 pulsanti rapidi e 3 pulsanti normali. È possibile vedere facilmente un miglioramento quando si utilizzano dispositivi mobili meno recenti e talvolta meno recenti (il Samsung Galaxy Nexus mostrava solo ritardi di circa 100 ms mentre l'iPad di prima generazione superava i 400 ms quasi ogni volta). Il più grande miglioramento è quando si tenta di rapidamente e consecutivamente fare clic sulle caselle (non proprio pulsanti qui, ma può essere adattato) Prova
package io.ashton.fastpress.client.fast;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler.RepeatingCommand;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler.ScheduledCommand;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Touch;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.HandlerRegistration;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Composite;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
* GWT Implementation influenced by Google's FastPressElement:
* https://developers.google.com/mobile/articles/fast_buttons
* Using Code examples and comments from:
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9596807/converting-gwt-click-events-to-touch-events
* The FastPressElement is used to avoid the 300ms delay on mobile devices (Only do this if you want
* to ignore the possibility of a double tap - The browser waits to see if we actually want to
* double top)
* The "press" event will occur significantly fast (around 300ms faster). However the biggest
* improvement is from enabling fast consecutive touches.
* If you try to rapidly touch one or more FastPressElements, you will notice a MUCH great
* improvement.
* NOTE: Different browsers will handle quick swipe or long hold/drag touches differently.
* This is an edge case if the user is long pressing or pressing while dragging the finger
* slightly (but staying on the element) - The browser may or may not fire the event. However,
* the browser will always fire the regular tap/press very quickly.
* TODO We should be able to embed fastElements and have the child fastElements NOT bubble the event
* So we can embed the elements if needed (???)
* @author ashton
public abstract class FastPressElement extends Composite implements HasPressHandlers {
private boolean touchHandled = false;
private boolean clickHandled = false;
private boolean touchMoved = false;
private boolean isEnabled = true;
private int touchId;
private int flashDelay = 75; // Default time delay in ms to flash style change
public FastPressElement() {
// Sink Click and Touch Events
// I am not going to sink Mouse events since
// I don't think we will gain anything
sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK | Event.TOUCHEVENTS); // Event.TOUCHEVENTS adds all (Start, End,
// Cancel, Change)
public FastPressElement(int msDelay) {
if (msDelay >= 0) {
flashDelay = msDelay;
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
if (enabled) {
} else {
this.isEnabled = enabled;
* Use this method in the same way you would use addClickHandler or addDomHandler
public HandlerRegistration addPressHandler(PressHandler handler) {
// Use Widget's addHandler to ensureHandlers and add the type/return handler
// We don't use addDom/BitlessHandlers since we aren't sinkEvents
// We also aren't even dealing with a DomEvent
return addHandler(handler, PressEvent.getType());
* @param event
private void firePressEvent(Event event) {
// This better verify a ClickEvent or TouchEndEvent
// TODO might want to verify
// (hitting issue with web.bindery vs g.gwt.user package diff)
PressEvent pressEvent = new PressEvent(event);
* Implement the handler for pressing but NOT releasing the button. Normally you just want to show
* some CSS style change to alert the user the element is active but not yet pressed
* ONLY FOR STYLE CHANGE - Will briefly be called onClick
* TIP: Don't make a dramatic style change. Take note that if a user is just trying to scroll, and
* start on the element and then scrolls off, we may not want to distract them too much. If a user
* does scroll off the element,
public abstract void onHoldPressDownStyle();
* Implement the handler for release of press. This should just be some CSS or Style change.
* ONLY FOR STYLE CHANGE - Will briefly be called onClick
* TIP: This should just go back to the normal style.
public abstract void onHoldPressOffStyle();
* Change styling to disabled
public abstract void onDisablePressStyle();
* Change styling to enabled
* TIP:
public abstract void onEnablePressStyle();
public Widget getWidget() {
return super.getWidget();
public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
switch (DOM.eventGetType(event)) {
case Event.ONTOUCHSTART: {
if (isEnabled) {
case Event.ONTOUCHEND: {
if (isEnabled) {
case Event.ONTOUCHMOVE: {
if (isEnabled) {
case Event.ONCLICK: {
if (isEnabled) {
default: {
// Let parent handle event if not one of the above (?)
private void onClick(Event event) {
if (touchHandled) {
// if the touch is already handled, we are on a device
// that supports touch (so you aren't in the desktop browser)
touchHandled = false;// reset for next press
clickHandled = true;//
} else {
if (clickHandled) {
// Not sure how this situation would occur
// onClick being called twice..
} else {
// Press not handled yet
// We still want to briefly fire the style change
// To give good user feedback
// Show HoldPress when possible
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
// Show hold press
// Now schedule a delay (which will allow the actual
// onTouchClickFire to executed
Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(new RepeatingCommand() {
public boolean execute() {
// Clear the style change
return false;
}, flashDelay);
clickHandled = false;
private void onTouchStart(Event event) {
onHoldPressDownStyle(); // Show style change
// Stop the event from bubbling up
// Only handle if we have exactly one touch
if (event.getTargetTouches().length() == 1) {
Touch start = event.getTargetTouches().get(0);
touchId = start.getIdentifier();
touchMoved = false;
* Check to see if the touch has moved off of the element.
* NOTE that in iOS the elasticScroll may make the touch/move cancel more difficult.
* @param event
private void onTouchMove(Event event) {
if (!touchMoved) {
Touch move = null;
for (int i = 0; i < event.getChangedTouches().length(); i++) {
if (event.getChangedTouches().get(i).getIdentifier() == touchId) {
move = event.getChangedTouches().get(i);
// Check to see if we moved off of the original element
// Use Page coordinates since we compare with widget's absolute coordinates
int yCord = move.getPageY();
int xCord = move.getPageX();
boolean yTop = getWidget().getAbsoluteTop() > yCord; // is y above element
boolean yBottom = (getWidget().getAbsoluteTop() + getWidget().getOffsetHeight()) < yCord; // y
// below
boolean xLeft = getWidget().getAbsoluteLeft() > xCord; // is x to the left of element
boolean xRight = (getWidget().getAbsoluteLeft() + getWidget().getOffsetWidth()) < xCord; // x
// to
// the
// right
if (yTop || yBottom || xLeft || xRight) {
touchMoved = true;
onHoldPressOffStyle();// Go back to normal style
private void onTouchEnd(Event event) {
if (!touchMoved) {
touchHandled = true;
onHoldPressOffStyle();// Change back the style
2012-12-16 22:32:47
Bene sapere che questa discussione è ancora vivo ...: D –