2014-11-05 8 views

Sono nuovo di Odoo e sono bloccato a un punto facile. Ho già aggiunto alcuni widget al back-end nel mio modulo personalizzato. Ora voglio aggiungere un widget al frontend del mio sito Web e non riesco a farlo funzionare.Odoo aggiungi widget al frontend del sito web

ho i seguenti frammenti:


    <!-- Templates --> 
    <template id="assets_frontend" name="test_module_asset_frontend" inherit_id="website.theme"> 
     <xpath expr="." position="inside"> 
     <!-- Custom JS and CSS --> 
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="/test_module/static/src/css/frontend.css" /> 
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/test_module/static/src/js/frontend.js" /> 

E il codice JavaScript per il widget: static/src/js/frontend.js

openerp.test_module = function(instance, local) { 

    local.TestWidget = instance.Widget.extend({ 
    start: function() { 
     console.log('Widget loaded!'); 

    instance.web.client_actions.add('example.action', 'instance.test_module.TestWidget'); 

Come potrei chiamare il widget nel mio modello? Ho provato le seguenti cose:


<record model="ir.actions.client" id="action_client_example"> 
    <field name="name">Example Client Action</field> 
    <field name="tag">example.action</field> 

<template id="details"> 
    <t t-call="website.layout"> 
    <t t-set="title">Details</t> 
    <div class="oe_structure"> 
     <div class="container"> 
     <button id="test" name="action_client_example" sequence="0" type="object">Run Widget</button> 

Ma io non Prendi il widget di esecuzione. Sono un po 'confuso, forse non capisco il tutto come integrare un widget, perché nel backend ho appena messo nella seguente riga per aggiungere il widget

<widget type="test_module.MyWidget" /> 

Ma come farlo in a fine frontale?


Hai risolto @ Tob0t? –



Si prega di verificare quanto segue, questo può essere trovato nel codice sorgente di odoo.

openerp.base = function(instance) { 

instance.base.apps_remote = null; 
instance.base.apps_client = null; 

var _t = instance.web._t; 

instance.base.Apps = instance.web.Widget.extend({ 
    template: 'EmptyComponent', 
    remote_action_id: 'loempia.action_embed', 
    failback_action_id: 'base.open_module_tree', 

    init: function(parent, action) { 
     this._super(parent, action); 
     var options = action.params || {}; 

     if (options.apps_user) { 
      sessionStorage.setItem('apps.login', options.apps_user); 
     if (options.apps_access_token) { 
      sessionStorage.setItem('apps.access_token', options.apps_access_token); 

     this.params = options; // NOTE read by embedded client action 

    get_client: function() { 
     // return the client via a deferred, resolved or rejected depending if the remote host is available or not. 
     var check_client_available = function(client) { 
      var d = $.Deferred(); 
      var i = new Image(); 
      i.onerror = function() { 
      i.onload = function() { 
       client.session.session_bind(client.origin).then(function() { 
        // check if client can authenticate 
         function() {  /* done */ 
        }, function() {  /* fail */ 
         if (client.login === 'anonymous') { 
         } else { 
          client.bind_credentials(client.dbname, 'anonymous', 'anonymous'); 
           function() {  /* done */ 
          }, function() {  /* fail */ 

      var ts = new Date().getTime(); 
      i.src = _.str.sprintf('%s/web/static/src/img/sep-a.gif?%s', client.origin, ts); 
      return d.promise(); 
     if (instance.base.apps_client) { 
      return check_client_available(instance.base.apps_client); 
     } else { 
      var Mod = new instance.web.Model('ir.module.module'); 
      return Mod.call('get_apps_server').then(function(u) { 
       var link = $(_.str.sprintf('<a href="%s"></a>', u))[0]; 
       var host = _.str.sprintf('%s//%s', link.protocol, link.host); 
       var dbname = link.pathname; 
       if (dbname[0] === '/') { 
        dbname = dbname.substr(1); 
       var login = (sessionStorage ? sessionStorage.getItem('apps.login') : null) || 'anonymous'; 
       var passwd = (sessionStorage ? sessionStorage.getItem('apps.access_token') : null) || 'anonymous'; 
       if (_.isNull(instance.base.apps_remote)) { 
        instance.base.apps_remote = new openerp.init(); 
       var client = new instance.base.apps_remote.web.EmbeddedClient(null, host, dbname, login, passwd); 
       instance.base.apps_client = client; 
       return check_client_available(client); 

    destroy: function() { 
     if (instance.base.apps_client) { 
     return this._super(); 

    start: function() { 
     var self = this; 
     // desactivated for now because apps does not work anyway due to changes in the framework 
     /*return self.get_client(). 
      done(function(client) { 
        done(function() { 
         client.do_action(self.remote_action_id, {hide_breadcrumb: true}); 
      fail(function(client) {*/ 
       self.do_warn(_t('Mwmy Apps will be available soon'), _t('Showing locally available modules'), true); 
       self.rpc('/web/action/load', {action_id: self.failback_action_id}).done(function(action) { 

instance.base.AppsUpdates = instance.base.Apps.extend({ 
    remote_action_id: 'loempia.action_embed_updates' 

instance.web.client_actions.add("apps", "instance.base.Apps"); 
instance.web.client_actions.add("apps.updates", "instance.base.AppsUpdates"); 


e nel xml

<!-- Apps modules --> 
<record model="ir.actions.client" id="modules_act_cl"> 
    <field name="name">Apps</field> 
    <field name="tag">apps</field> 
<menuitem id="module_mi" parent="base.menu_management" sequence="10" action="modules_act_cl"/> 

<record model="ir.actions.client" id="modules_updates_act_cl"> 
    <field name="name">Updates</field> 
    <field name="tag">apps.updates</field> 
    <field name="params">{}</field> 
<menuitem id="menu_module_updates" parent="base.menu_management" sequence="20" action="modules_updates_act_cl"/> 

speranza questo aiuterà.


Sto anche cercando di utilizzare i widget nella parte del sito Web (v8). Solo non capisco la tua risposta, potresti per favore elaborarla? –